Inheriting a priceless vintage clothing collection sounds like every woman's dream come true. But when Charlotte Smith discovered that her American godmother, Doris Darnell, had made her custodian of more than three thousand pieces dating from 1790 to the 1990s, including originals by Chanel and Dior, she was more than a little daunted. Then Charlotte uncovered her first treasure - an exq…
Sungguh mati, Eric Weiner ingin melihat dunia, terutama dengan dana dari pihak lain. Maka ia menjadi jurnalis, membawa tas punggung dan buku catatannya, lalu menjelajahi dunia. Hasilnya adalah buku The Geography of Bliss ini. Ia membawa pembaca melanglangbuana ke berbagai negara, dari Belanda, Swiss, Bhutan, hingga Qatar, Islandia, India, dan Amerika ... untuk mencari tahu apa yang membuat oran…
Memperkenalkan sosok pahlawan ke anak-anak bisa dimulai sejak dini. Pembelajaran serta pengenalan sosok pahlawan kepada anak-anak juga bisa membuat mereka memahami berbagai sejarah bangsa Indonesia dengan lebih baik. Mengenalkan sejarah pada anak akan mengajarkan bahwa Indonesia yang mereka kenal saat ini dapat berdiri karena perjuangan para pahlawan terdahulu. Di balik kemerdekaan Indonesia ad…
Soekarno adalah orang yang pertama kali memproklamasikan kemerdekaan Indonesia pada 19 Agustus 1945. Sejak kecil, dia banyak belajar tentang kepemimpinan dari orang- orang besar. Soekarno juga mengajak warga pribumi untuk memperjuangkan kemerdekaan negara kita. Bagaimana kisah Soekarno memproklamasikan kemerdakaan Indonesia?
Around the World, continent by continent, here is the best the world has to offer: 1,000 places guaranteed to give travelers the shivers. Sacred ruins, grand hotels, wildlife preserves, hilltop villages, snack shacks, castles, festivals, reefs, restaurants, cathedrals, hidden islands, opera houses, museums, and more. Each entry tells exactly why it's essential to visit. Then come the nuts and b…
#1 NEW YORK TIMES AND USA TODAY BESTSELLER • In an inspiring follow-up to her acclaimed memoir Becoming, former First Lady Michelle Obama shares practical wisdom and powerful strategies for staying hopeful and balanced in today’s highly uncertain world. There may be no tidy solutions or pithy answers to life’s big challenges, but Michelle Obama believes that we can all locate and lean…
Lonely Planet: The world's leading travel guide publisher* This is not a guidebook. And it's definitely 'not-for-parents'. It is the real inside story about one of the world's most exciting continents - Africa. In this book you'll hear fascinating tales about Dogon warriors, fearless explorers, Nollywood film stars, crazy coffins, Egyptian tombs and witch doctors. Check out cool stories about T…
Born at the stroke of midnight during a lightning storm, Nikola Tesla grew up to become one of the most important electrical inventors in the world. But before working with electricity, he was a child who loved playing with the animals on his family's farm in Serbia. An inventor since childhood, Tesla's patents encompassed everything from radar and remote-control technology to wireless commu…
A playful introduction to maps and global geography. Interactive, warm illustrations allow young readers to learn and engage with the fundamentals of maps by drawing maps of their room, house, and town. Cities are compared to one another in terms of geographical size and population size.
The perfect introduction to the Second World War, this book breaks down six years of conflict into 50 manageable facts. Each year of the war is introduced with a timeline featuring the key events and a map showing where the fighting took place and which countries were involved. All the major events and battles are covered as well as entries on the home front, weapons and the cost o…