Pada seri edisi Ulat Lapar ini, bercerita tentang proses pertumbuhan seekor ulat. Ada, lho, hewan yang bentuk, nama, dan makanannya berbeda ketika baru lahir dan sudah dewasa. Nah, perkembangan ini dinamakan metamorfosis. Metamorfosis ulat sangat mengagumkan! Jadi apa ya ulat setelah dewasa? Yuk, ikuti kisah seru ulat dalam buku ini. Kamu juga bisa mencari gambar-gambar tersembunyi menggunakan …
Deskripsi Buku Pernah lihat video mulut penyu yang tertusuk sedotan atau tersangkut plastik? Atau dapat berita kuda laut yang mulai langka karena diburu manusia? Atau Paus yang ditemukan terdampar mati dengan perut penuh sampah? Paus, penyu, dan kuda laut adalah hewan yang terancam punah akibat perbuatan tangan manusia. Padahal, Allah membenci manusia yang berbuat kerusakan di muka bumi dan me…
Summary:"Every creature in the forest--from the tiny beetle to the giant bear--depends on trees for survival. Trees give off oxygen for living things to breathe, and they provide a home for countless bugs and animals all over the planet. This engaging book introduces children to the wildlife that lives in the world's forests
Summary:"Every creature in the ocean-- from the tiny snail to the enormous blue whale-- depends on water for survival. This engaging book introduces children to the animals that live in the world⁰́₉s oceans, rivers, lakes, and ponds. It also presents fascinating facts about the water cycle, different modes of transportation in water, and how water is prepared for drinking"
This inspiring series on 'Scientists of the World' has been specially planned for children. Young readers will find that science is fascinating and that it has made the world a far better place to live in. A special feature of the series is that it highlights each scientists childhood. Young readers will see quite vividly that the great scientists had once been children like themselves and that…
Ayo, cari tahu keajaiban ilmu pengetahuan! Ternyata banyak fakta menariknya, lho! Saat lampu dimatikan… ah, aku tidak bisa melihat apa-apa. Saat lampu kembali menyala, semuanya dapat terlihat oleh mataku. Mata kita memang unik! Cari tahu apa saja keunikannya dalam buku ini, yuk!
A beautiful, informative and interactive lift-the-flap board book about all sorts of animals
Introduces African elephants, including what they eat, how they travel in groups, their migration patterns, and how they care for their young
"Start by learning about the different planets in our solar system, all the way from Mercury to Neptune (and even dwarf planet Pluto!). Then reach out further and discover about the Milky Way Galaxy and other neighboring galaxies (and what is in them). On the journey through space, learn about different terms like asteroid belt, nebula, and supernova. Even learn about mysterious black holes!"
Mengapa bintang berkelap-kelip? Dapatkah manusia hidup di Bulan? Bagaimana cara meluncurkan pesawat ruang angkasa? Temukan keajaiban-keajaiban alam semesta, astronomi,dan penerbangan ruang angkasa dalam panduan praktis ini. Ilustrasi dan diagram berwarna cerah yang menunjukan rasi bintang, bagaimana bulan berubah bentuk, dan banyak lagi. Fakta-fakta yang mudah dibaca dengan gaya tany…