Know It All Biology
Dive into the gene pool and understand all the basics of biology with Know It All Biology . You'll have a scientific groundwork in less than a minute!
The Know-It-All series takes a revolutionary approach to learning about the subjects you really feel you should understand but have never gotten around to studying . Each title selects a popular topic and dissects it into the 50 most significant ideas at its heart. Each idea, no matter how complex, is explained in 300 words and one picture, all digestible in under a minute.
Know-It-All Biology tackles the vital science of life, dissecting the 50 most thought-provoking theories of our ecosystem and ourselves . At a time when discoveries in DNA allow us to feel more connected than ever to the natural world, this is the fastest route to an understanding of the tree of life.
Whether you’re dipping into the gene pool , unlocking cells , or conversing on biodiversity , this is all the knowledge you need to bring life to any dinner-party debate.
9781577151593 | 500 NIC k | My Library (lantai 2) | Available |
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