Pernahkah kalian melihat mumi? Dimanakah kalian dapat melihat mumi? Ya, mumi dapat kita jumpai di museum-museum. Tapi, tahukah kalian apa sebenarnya mumi itu? Bagaimana proses pembuatan mumi? Dimana mumi dikuburkan? Apa hubungannya mumi dengan piramida yang ada di Mesir? Ayo. temukan jawabannya dalam buku ini, karena kali ini Professor Hirata akan bercerita mengenai peradaban Mesir Kuno. Tidak …
Pernahkah kalian menyelam hingga ke dasar laut dan melihat keindahan di dalamnya? seperti halnya daratan, ternyata laut juga memiliki berbagai bentuk, lho! seperti apakha itu? Bagaimanakah bentuknya? Benarkah di dasar laut juga ada kehidupan seperti di daratan? Adakah hewan dan tumbuhan yang hidup di dalamnya? Nah, temukan jawaban dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut dengan mengikuti ceruta Prof…
The categoty of environment deals with various subjects like trees, forest, atmosphere and global warming. Reading the encyclopedias of this scetion will definitely make the young readers more responsible towards their planet Earth.
Ages 8 to 10 years. The Environment Series deals with various subjects. Reading the encyclopedias will make young readers more responsible towards the planet Earth.
This title is suitable for children of ages 8 to 10 years. "The Environment Series" deals with various subjects. Reading the encyclopedias will make young readers more responsible towards the planet Earth.
This series offers a comprehensive approach to give young readers precise information in a pictorial format for better understanding. The books in this series carry various eye-opening exciting facts with bold illustrations and photography which will enhance the child's technical knowledge for a particular subject. Not only that, there are more pictures other than those in relation to the text …
This series offers a comprehensive approach to give young readers precise information in a pictorial format for better understanding. The books in this series carry various eye-opening exciting facts with bold illustrations and photography which will enhance the child's technical knowledge for a particular subject. Not only that, there are more pictures other than those in relation to the text …
Why do winds blow How do people measure the speed of the wind When is the wind most dangerous Read this book to find out all about wind. Each book in the Watching the Weather series looks at a different kind of weather. Discover what creates each kind of weather. Find out how the weather can affect you life. Do a fun step-by-step weather project
This series tackles how to avoid creating unnecessary waste and the disposal of waste in environmentally acceptable ways. Focuses on how simple decisions have a knock-on effect for the whole planet. Uses case studies that look at success stories. Provides tips on how individuals can make a difference. Includes Science Behind It' boxes that explain scientific principles.
This series tackles how to avoid creating unnecessary waste and the disposal of waste in environmentally acceptable ways. Focuses on how simple decisions have a knock-on effect for the whole planet. Uses case studies that look at success stories. Provides tips on how individuals can make a difference. Includes Science Behind It' boxes that explain scientific principles.