DESCRIPTION Bagaimana terjadinya awan? Apa yang dimaksud dengan badai? Bagaimana cara meramal cuaca? Atmosfer itu, apa? Bagaimana proses terjadinya hujan? Kelebihan seri PIXI: Penjelasan ringkas gambar variatif dilengkapi kotak info full color disertai kuis menarik
A little book packed full of answers to lots of questions kids ask, as well as some they haven't even thought of yet! Younger readers can find out everything from whether bears are good at climbing trees to which bear is the best swimmer. The fun questions are clearly answered and illustrations help explain things further. Cartoons help to keep kids hooked and extra-special facts entertain, whi…
A little book packed full of answers to lots of questions kids ask, as well as some they haven't even thought of yet! Younger readers can find out everything from how a rider controls their horse why horses wear shoes. The fun questions are clearly answered and illustrations help explain things further. Cartoons help to keep kids hooked and extra-special facts entertain, while activity panels t…
A little book packed full of answers to lots of questions kids ask, as well as some they haven't even thought of yet! Younger readers can find out everything from why fish bite to whether snakes have fangs. The fun questions are clearly answered and illustrations help explain things further. Cartoons help to keep kids hooked and extra-special facts entertain, while activity panels throughout pr…
A little book packed full of answers to lots of questions kids ask, as well as some they haven't even thought of yet! Younger readers can find out everything from why fish bite to whether snakes have fangs. The fun questions are clearly answered and illustrations help explain things further. Cartoons help to keep kids hooked and extra-special facts entertain, while activity panels throughout pr…
DESCRIPTION Seberapa besar peran matahari dalam kehidupan manusia? Bumi kini makin menipis sumber daya alamnya. Kita harus mencari cara agar Bumi tetap dapat diitnggali oleh makhluk hidup. Energi matahari bisa menjadi solusinya. Dari manfaat kecil di sekitar kita sampai manfaat untuk Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya. Penasaran? Yuk, cari tahu lebih banyak lagi di buku ini!
Asyik! Hujan! Siapa suka bermain saat hujan? Hihi, boleh saja. Asal jangan lama-lama, ya. Sebenarnya hujan itu asalnya dari mana, ya? Wah, kalau belum tahu, yuk, cari tahu di buku ini. Kalian bisa belajar tentang manfaat hujan dan bereksperimen asyik, lho.
“Brr! Dingiin. Pasti begitu kalau kalian menyentuhku. Aku salju. Biasanya aku turun di daerah dengan empat musim. Eh, tapi kalian sudah tahu belum bagaimana aku terbentuk? Aku terbentuk di awan, sama seperti hujan. Tapi, kok, aku berbentuk padat, ya? Wah, kalian harus cari tahu lengkapnya di sini. Selain tahu proses pembentukanku, kalian juga bisa bereksperimen membuat salju sendiri, lho. ”