Buku ini menceritakan tentang seekor tikus kecil yang melawan ketakutannya sendiri. Ia ingin bertemu Singa, sang raja populer. Demi impiannya memiliki banyak teman serta merasakan hidup lebih indah. Memiliki tubuh kecil dan suara pelan tidak selalu gampang. Sepertinya tidak semuanya tak pernah memperhatikannya. Karena itu, Tikus berniat memiliki auman seperti Singa agar yang lain mendengarnya.…
40 Prophetic Narrations in Rhyming English Teaches the sunnah & adab in a easy rhyming sequence. Part one in the Just Like The Prophet series
Ibu Guru menganggap Totto-chan nakal, padahal gadis cilik itu hanya punya rasa ingin tahu yang besar. Itulah sebabnya ia gemar berdiri di depan jendela selama pelajaran berlangsung. Karena para guru sudah tak tahan lagi, akhirnya Totto-chan dikeluarkan dari sekolah. Mama pun mendaftarkan Totto-chan ke Tomoe Gakuen. Totto-chan girang sekali, di sekolah itu para murid belajar di gerbong kereta ya…
Sebentar lagi Putri Tiana berulang tahun. Hadiah apa yang paling cocok untuk Putri Tiana?
Oyo dan Susua adalah sepasang belut kembar. Setiap hari mereka memakan apa pun hingga tak lagi muat di danau. Oyo dan Susua memutuskan untuk berpindah tempat. Ikuti perjalanan mereka.
Welcome to Bob's Big Book of Words! Join Bob and his friends in and around Sunflower Valley and learn lots of new words along the way! With numbers, letters, colours, telling the time and more, this is a fun introduction to the world of words! Young children will have lots of fun recognising familiar words and developing their vocabulary with the help of Bob and his friends.
An uplifting story about a young Muslim boy who is worried about the judgement of others when he and his dad practise salat in public, but learns to be brave and face his fears. Find the bravery to celebrate your beliefs and cultural traditions without fear of judgement. When Muhammed turns seven, his father gifts him his very first salat rug to pray with. Muhammad is excited to begin his…
Who are refugees? Why are they called that word? Why do they need to leave their country? In this simple, graphic and bold picture book for young children, author/illustrator Elise Gravel explores what it means to be a refugee. This book is the perfect tool to introduce an important and timely topic to children.
Bestselling author Jacky Davis and award-winning illustrator Fiona Woodcock celebrate family, love, and imagination in this vibrant and expressive picture book. Father-daughter time shines in this irresistible story about creativity, solving problems, and looking on the bright side when faced with obstacles. A great read-aloud for rainy days . . . or any day you’re stuck at home! Drip, dri…
The country bunny attains the exalted position of Easter Bunny in spite of her responsibilities as the mother of twenty-one children. With twenty-one baby bunnies to look after, mother bunny Cottontail abandons her dream of becoming an Easter Bunny. But when Grandfather Bunny spies her perfectly behaved brood, he’s so impressed that he makes Cottontail the most important Easter Bunny of al…