Judul asli: Die kunst des klaren denkens ; Teks dalam Inggris diterjemahkan dari bahasa Jerman ; Apakah Anda Pernah berniat memulai bisnis sesudah terinspirasi kisah sukses? Percaya ramalan dan prediksi para pakar di media? Merasa bahwa bertindak itu pasti lebih baik daripada diam saja? Selalu membuat jadwal dan rencana sambil berharap bisa menepatinya? Merasa bahwa sesuatu yang diyakini banyak…
HATI-HATI, dalam beberapa halaman, buku ini akan marahin lo. Tapi, dalam banyak halaman, lo akan marahin buku ini! CUKUP ADIL, KAN? Sebenarnya hidup ini udah cukup sulit, jadi nggak perlu ditambah rumit! Sekolah, kuliah, pekerjaan, cinta, kehidupan sosial, bahkan kehidupan di jalanan pun bisa dibikin simpel! Karena apa yang lo hadapi saat ini akan lo tertawakan di masa yang akan datang! INGAT: …
You are loved by Allah exactly as you are in this very moment. The #1 international bestselling book, Secrets of Divine Love was written for the longing heart, for the one who is searching for something they have not been able to find. For the one who sometimes spirals into hopelessness and cannot help but feel too imperfect for a perfect God to love. This book is for the one who is at the edge…
Sarat gagasan pencerah mata-hati, buku ini mempunyai kekuatan untuk mengubah. Anda diajak untuk tumbuh—bertransformasi menuju kedewasaan sejati! Diawali ulasan-komparatif yang tajam antara psikologi Barat dan psikologi sufi, buku ini menegaskan: pertama, tasawuf adalah pendekatan yang sangat holistik—mengintegrasikan fisik, psikis, dan spirit; kedua, ia menghindarkan jiwa dari bahaya mod…
**The Instant Top Ten Bestseller**'Utterly indispensable.' Lorraine Kelly'A must-read.' Tim HarfordTV and radio money-agony-aunt Claer Barrett is the voice of reason in the cost of living crisis, teaching us what we need to know about money, in an accessible way that anyone can understand.By unpicking our emotional relationship with money, she gets to the heart of how our financial habits are f…
A new title in the hugely successful Clever Kids series, this book is packed with logic puzzles that are guaranteed to put your powers of deduction to the test. From mind-boggling sudoku and stupefying simple-loop games to bridge-building challenges and cryptic conundrums, there are plenty of exciting puzzles to keep your brain busy. Created by bestselling puzzle book author Gareth Moore,…
My Life Series #5: My Life As A Gamer
New York's favorite spider Super Hero is back to battle his biggest villains yet Each of these twelve stories is the perfect length for reading aloud in about five minutes, making great quick reads. This treasury not only contains old favorites, such as Peter Parker's origin story, but also new friends like Miles Morales. With action-packed full-page and spot illustrations, Spider-Man's 5…
Melalui buku Ayah, anak akan diajak untuk mengenal profesi-profesi ayah. Dari pengacara, dokter, supir, petugas kebersihan, pekerja bank, penari, koki dan lain sebagainya. Apa pun yang dilakukan ayah, di akhir hari, mereka hanya ingin memeluk anak-anak mereka.
The Unlikely Adventures of Nogi & Monjo wants to be the most reasonable guide to survive unreasonable situations! Raising children is not easy. Raising GOOD children is not easy. But one thing parents sometimes forget, growing up is equally hard. Maybe harder. Today we live in such a complex world, with so many conflicting values and ideas. It can be very confusing for little souls who can't ev…