Menangkap lalat itu mudah sekali, pikir Katak. Aku tinggal melompat sambil menjulurkan lidah. Tapi... ke mana lalat tadi? Rupanya ia sudah ditelan tumbuhan. Memangnya ada ya tumbuhan yang suka makan serangga? Yuk kita baca buku ini.
Children will love to read the simple question on each page of these pull-the-tab books, then slide the panels to discover who is hiding.
Bo Bo and Cha Cha are at the Mandai Zoo! Bo Bo is excited, but Cha Cha is not. Everything here seems too strange: the other animals, the heat, and the food! Cha Cha wants to leave—until a caring sloth shows her what being home really means.
The Playdate Pals series is designed to teach children about good behaviors. Each story focuses and explores on one particular behavior. Playdate Pals Kitten Learns to Listen focuses on the importance of listening to others. The stories are written in clear, simple text, and the beautiful illustrations will keep children engaged and entertained as they read. At the back of each book, there are …
From the dazzling bestselling duo Jane O’Connor and Robin Preiss Glasser comes a fancy, frilly ballet story with a lot of heart. Young ballerinas and Fancy Nancy fans will shout encore! Fancy Nancy is ready for the spotlight! Fancy Nancy and her best friend, Bree, couldn't be more excited about their upcoming dance show. After all, it's all about mermaids, and who knows how to be a fancy, …
Sains dapat membantu perkembangan kemampuan komunikasi anak dan melatih anak untuk berpendapat berdasarkan pengamatan, serta dapat melatih anak untuk berpikir logis. Mengenalkan sains pada anak sejak dini adalah salah satu cara untuk membantu mengeksplorasi dirinya dengan lingkungannya dan mengembangkan kemampuannya. Banyak cara mudah, sederhana, dan menarik untuk membuat anak tertarik dengan s…
Bunny Loves to Learn is all about classroom interaction and excitement. Prepare your kids for their academic journey as they read and learn about four friends and their adventures inside the classroom. Buster Bunny is enthusiastic about learning new things and using his imagination during school lessons. When Miss Nibbler gives the students a fun project to work on, Buster and his friends must…
Saat liburan di desa kecil tempat ayah Vedi tinggal, Creepy Case Club berhadapan dengan misteri yang lama tak terpecahkan: hilangnya seorang anak di desa tersebut. Menurut takhayul setempat, ini ada hubungannya dengan pohon angker di dekat rumah ayah Vedi. Vedi pun mulai diganggu oleh penampakan aneh, serta suara misterius yang memanggil-manggilnya dari arah pohon itu. Kenapa pohon itu memanggi…
Ibu si beruang kecil sangat pandai, ia bisa melakukan apa saja. Ia bisa berteriak....
A dinosaur figures out how to make his sled work when there's no snow.