This funny, charming story is the perfect way to introduce young children to being patient, and help them understand the importance of waiting their turn. Also included are suggestions for activities and ideas to talk through together to help children fully understand how their behaviour can impact on others. Croc can never wait for anything - he's alway interrupting, rushes everything and he …
The Mixed-Up Mail Mystery (Richard Scarry's Great Big Schoolhouse Readers, Level 3) : Huckle finds an old letter in a library book. Why is it in there? It's up to the Great Big Schoolhouse kids to find out!
A lively, noisy, funny text that encourages very young children to walk and talk like the animals - including waddling like a penguin, stomping like a rhino and jiving and jiggling and jumping and wiggling to the monkey bop! Hugely entertaining with plenty of scope for interaction and play.
When Harry goes to a safari park and discovers some animals are in danger of becoming extinct, he wants to save them! Harry soon finds out that, however small you are, you can still make a big difference!
A lively story with humorous illustrations, ideal for children who are beginning to read for themselves, or for reading aloud together. With simple rhyming text and phonic repetition, this book is specially designed to develop essential language and early reading skills. Also includes guidance notes for parents at the back of the book.
Tahukah Anda jika membacakan cerita untuk anak memiliki banyak manfaat? Ternyata, kebiasaan membacakan anak cerita dapat membangun koneksi saraf "bahasa" di otaknya terutama ketika masa pertumbuhan anak, serta dapat membantu perkembangan pada aspek kognitifnya. Saat ini, sudah banyak media yang dapat digunakan untuk mengakses buku cerita anak melalui teknologi, namun dongeng atau cerita yang di…
Ana ana dan temannya ingin membuatkan kue cokelat untuk Winny . Namun bukannya berhasil, malah jadi berantakan di mana-mana. Sementara Beary berhasil membuat kue kecil seorang diri. Bagaimana cara Beary melakukannya,
Persian unicorns are fierce fighters. Japanese unicorns are just. European unicorns are peaceful. But all unicorns have one thing in common. They are magic! Learn all about unicorn legends, including why people truly believed in them, in this fascinating companion to Dragons. Beautiful full-color illustrations accompany the easy-to-read text.