"Just make a mark and see where it takes you." Vashti says she can't draw, but her teacher thinks she can. She knows there's creative spirit in everyone, and encourages Vashti to sign the angry dot she makes in frustration on a piece of paper. This act makes Vashti begin to perceive herself differently, and see that where there's a dot there's a way...
Classic Storybook Collection: Fairies, also known as Fairies Classic 96 p., is a singular compilation book containing 4 short stories from the book series. It is known to have been sold in Australia, India, and Scandinavia. In Australia and India it was marketed as a part of the wider Disney Classic Storybook Collection series; while in Scandinavia it was simply branded as Disney Fairies, wi…
Tini dan teman-temannya kembali lagi nih! Kali ini, ada empat cerita tentang petualangan seru Tini dalam buku Bermain Bersama Tini volume ke-3. Buku tersebut ditulis dan dipenuhi juga oleh gambar-gambar indah yang sederhana dari goresan tangan dua orang berjiwa seni. Mereka adalah Gilbert Delahaye dan Marcel Marlier. Kedua pria asal Belgium tersebut telah banyak menghasilkan karya-karya khususn…
Petualangan seru Tini bersama teman-temannya terus berlanjut! Kali ini semua kegirangan Tini dapat kamu ikuti dalam buku Bermain Bersama Tini volume ke-2. Anak perempuan yang tak kenal takut tersebut selalu saja bertemu dengan berbagai peristiwa di sekitar tempat tinggalnya. Sikapnya yang ramah tak jarang membuatnya sangat mudah melancong bersama kawan baru. Serial tentang kisah Tini ini dituli…
Aye, aye, captain! Jump aboard and set sail with an adventurous group of pirates. With fun facts about ships and pirates from around the world, along with a catchy singalong, this vibrantly illustrated story will become a special treasure for your child.
The pets are playing a game of hide-and-seek. Come and join the fun!
Shimmer thinks that all birds can flay Shimmer thinks that alligator is the same with crocodile Meanwhile, Glitter just smiles. Read this through and you'll smile too.....
Wouldn't it be wonderful to be a fairy? A sparkling wand, fluttering wings and pretty dresses are all awaiting to be discovered in this delightful touch and feel book.
Learn lots of first words in this cute colourful book. Big idea for little learners!
Noisy Farm is an adorable board book with simple, rhyming text for very young children. Kids will love the tabbed pages that help them turn the pages easily and help them to find their favorite animals in a flash! The charming illustrations will engage young readers and the sweet story will help to encourage an early love of reading. Can you remember all of the noises made on Noisy Farm? …