Aria dan Didi, dua anak dengan sifat yang berbeda tetapi sama-sama sedang kerepotan karena banyak hal yang berubah. Ada rasa takut,sedih,kesal,dan bosan ketika langit menjadi abu-abu atau air sungai menjadi warna-warni. Walaupun sulit, Aria dan Didi berusaha mengerti tentang perubahan yang terjadi.
Long ago and far away . . . There was a castle. But not just any castle. This was the grand and glittering Castle Corona. And in this castle lived a family. But not just any family. This was the family of King Guido: rich and royal and . . . spoiled. And King Guido was so spoiled that no finery could please him, for what he longed for most was . . . a nap and a gown that didn't itch. Far bel…
Darkness and despair have descended upon the people of Meridian. The Guardians join Elyon and the rebel forces to try and bring back the Light to Meridian.
Meet Dave. He's disgusting. At least, that's what his older sister thinks. But Dave knows better: he just wants to know how things work. Even things like burping and farting. And now Dave needs to turn detective and clear his best friend's mother from food poisoning charges. But he's going to have to get up close and personal with some vomit under a microscope ...
My grandmother lives in a village and has five sisters. Her fifth sister is called Mroulia and she is a nag. I am very much like her. That's what Dad says, and Mum too. But...
Ketikkan masalahmu... Apakah kau punya masalah di rumah atau sekolah? Tidak tahu harus berbuat apa atau minta tolong ke mana? Masuklah ke Situs Masalah! Ketikkan masalahmu---tidak perlu menuliskan nama---dan tunggulah nasihat bagus yang akan mengalir masuk. Setidaknya, itulah rencana Mr Speed ketika membuat Situs Masalah untuk kelasnya. Holly, Greg, Natasha, dan murid-murid lain memang merasa p…
Anything Moody Margaret can do, Horrid Henry can do better. So when Margaret starts giving her friends makeovers, Henry decides to steal - no, borrow! - her idea. He is sure he can do it much, much better. It can't be that hard to make people look really fantastic, can it?
A Mighty Girl Book of the Year With magical animals, science, mystery, and adventure -- the brand new series Zoey and Sassafras has something for everyone! Easy-to-read language and illustrations on nearly every page make this series perfect for a wide range of ages. In the second book of this series, a forest monster shows up looking for help with an embarrassing problem and Zoey is sure…
Harry Potter has no idea how famous he is. That's because he's being raised by his miserable aunt and uncle who are terrified Harry will learn that he's really a wizard, just as his parents were. But everything changes when Harry is summoned to attend an infamous school for wizards, and he begins to discover some clues about his illustrious birthright. From the surprising way he is greeted by a…
Kisah klasik dari Pohon Kelana Ajaib dengan ilustrasi baru penuh warna! Hari ini adalah ulang tahun Beth, dan semuanya senang saat Negeri Ulang Tahun tiba di puncak Pohon Kelana Ajaib. Ayo ikut mereka merayakan pesta paling seru dan menakjubkan! Yuk, koleksi selengkapnya! Judul-judul dalam seri Petualangan Pohon Kelana Ajaib: Negeri Ulang Tahun Negeri Bertindak-Manasuka Negeri Camilan Ne…