Sail away with five little pirates in search of treasure and adventure ... before coming safely home for tea.
Koala Makes the Right Choice offers a gentle introduction to the concepts of choice and consequence. This funny, charming story is the perfect way to introduce young children to choices, and helps them find ways to make decisions and understand consequences. Also included are suggestions for activities and ideas to talk through together to help children understand their behaviour.
Poor ugly duckling is teased by his friends – until he transforms into a beautiful swan. With delightful illustrations to enjoy again and again.
Balita menyadari bahwa laki-laki dan perempuan memiliki kelamin berbeda. Terkadang, rasa ingin tahu mereka membuat mereka bermain eksplorasi seperti dokter-dokteran dengan orang lain. Permainan seperti dokter-dokteran tidak disarankan loh Moms. Moms bisa menjelaskan bahwa Moms mengerti ananda penasaran dengan tubuh temannya. Tapi, tubuh itu harus ditutup di depan orang lain. Selain itu, kita…
Tony Award-winning actress Ali Stroker captures the magic and community of theater in her debut picture book, about a spirited girl in a wheelchair who stages a show for her hometown. Based on the pivotal summer Ali performed in her first musical by the Jersey Shore! Ali loves to dance, sing, and act. But she had never thought of putting on her own show until her neighbor asks, "Why wait?" I…
A touching story that introduces children to separation, following the challenges a family face going through a divorce. Divorce and separation can be hard on any family and a difficult topic for children to understand, including Tilly. Tilly lives in the mountains with her mummy and daddy. She loves it - there are beautiful views and lots of space to play. The only downside is that she live…
Dog lovers will adore this imperfect yet endearing mutt and his quest for excellence! ***Winner of an Ezra Jack Keats New Author Honor Award!*** Everyone in the Ellis family is excellent--except Ed. Ed wonders if this is why he isn’t allowed to eat at the table or sit on the couch with the other children. So he’s determined to find his own thing to be excellent at--only to be (in…
Luna is so excited. Today she will dress up and pretend to be her favourite book character. What could possibly go wrong?
When Luna dances, she feels like the world's volume turns up, like all colors brighten, like sunlight sparkles behind every cloud. But when she ducks, dives, spins and... falls in her class test, Luna thinks she can't be a real dancer. Or can she?
Join Luna and Finn at the Art Gallery and step inside famous works of art by Van Gogh, Damien Hirst, Henri Matisse, Andy Warhol and many more! Finn doesn't recognize his own family in the art he sees... but maybe all he needs is a good friend. In this follow-up to Luna Loves Library Day, we meet Luna’s mom, celebrate great art, great friendships, and learn that not all families are the …