The following Oscorp files contain logs, lab reports, e-mail records, surveillance images, and more. Thse records give insight into the Oscorp employee Max Dillon and his connection to the Super Villain Electro. They also include details on the masked menace known as Spider-Man As the implications of these files coudl prove to be disastrous for the company, it is imperative that we look into ev…
A wonderfully engaging photographic series of first learning books! My First Book Of is a bright series of picture books designed to help little ones with their first words. My First Book of Things That Go looks at all of the different ways people might travel. The bright and engaging photography will help little ones recognize real-life objects and encourage early learning in a fun way.
He's back! But this time Pig, the world's greediest Pug, is telling great big lies. Won't he ever learn? Another laugh-out-loud book from the best-selling creator of Pig-the-Pug.
A collection of poems and riddles, songs and chants, both traditional and modern. The material has been selected by Myra Barrs and Sue Ellis of the Centre for Language in Primary Education, and should be suitable for children who are beginning to read independently.
A collection of poems and riddles, songs and chants, both traditional and modern. The material has been selected by Myra Barrs and Sue Ellis of the Centre for Language in Primary Education, and should be suitable for children who are beginning to read independently.
yuk temanku kita bantu dunia. semua bisa dimulai dari keberanian kita
Semua angka punya kelebihan yang menjadikannya juara. Tetap berusaha dan lakukan sejauh kamu bisa!
I-ni bu-di ti-dak pernah dengar larangan i-bu. Ada apa dengan budi? padahal suara ibu sudah nyaring. Apa karena budi tidak suka dengan cara bicara ibu sampai tidak didengar? Tampaknya ibu dan budi harus berbicara.
Ima sudah beberapa hari tidak masuk sekolah karena sakit. Risa dan Erdo ingin menjenguk Ima di rumah. Tetapi mereka bingung ingin membawa apa untuk buah tangan. Mainan, Buku, atau buah? Risa ingin membelikan buku. Erdo ingin membelikan mainan dan buah. Mereka harus pergi ke toko untuk membelinya. Di toko, mereka belajar menyesuaikan belanja dnegan uang yang ada. Lalu, buah tagan apa yang akan d…
Start little and learn big with this first words book, Out and About. To the store, to the library, on the bus and even to the dentist! Let's go out and about. Learn over 150 everyday words and phrases as you explore different places in your world. This book is perfect for preschoolers.