Getting Around traces the changes in transportation in Singapore from the days of rickshaws and carriages to cars and trains.
From the I Love Reading series a new range of first readers based on phonics. Ideal for those who prefer levelled content to help children progress toward independant reading. There are 7 levels within the I Love Reading series, each level has 8 books each with imaginative writing and delightful artwork This fantastic new fiction reading series for children aged 5+ combines structured phonic…
Big Yang and Little Yin are playing explorers. So Little Yin puts her snugly in her stroller, and they head off. But when Big Yang gets stuck in a tree, Little Yin must help him escape, and the adventure doesn't seem quite so fun anyone.
Mini picture book that is bursting with things to do! This adorable picture book may come in a mini size, but it is bursting with fun things to do! Read the entertaining story, told in witty rhyme, then press out the doll from the cover and customize it with the amazing stickers!
Your favorite Pokémon are waiting to be found within the colorful pages of these activity books! Find your favorite Pokémon in five different full-color activity books! Pick your adventure: will you search for the special Pokémon of Kanto, Johto, or Hoenn? Or will you seek fan favorites like Pikachu or Legendary Pokémon? Each volume of the Pokémon Seek and Find series includes tons of P…
Kata Dokter Andi, aku gondongan. Gondongan penyakit menular, jadi aku tidak boleh bermain bersama teman-teman sampai aku sembuh. Uuuh... aku bosan!†Dilengkapi dengan pesan dokter dan tindakan-tindakan pertolongan pertama yang dapat dilakukan oleh orang tua. Keunggulan produk: 1. 1. Memberikan pengetahuan pada orang tua/guru untuk mengatasi penyakit/gangguan pada anak. 2. 2. Anak akan…
Semua anak di dunia, ayo katakan, "Aku sayang diriku!" berulang-ulang. Kata-kata itu bisa membuat dunia telihat lebih menyenangkan. Aku Sayang Diriku! mengajari anak-anak untuk menyayangi diri sendiri dan membangun kepercayaan diri.