ABOUT 17 THINGS I’M NOT ALLOWED TO DO ANYMORE A laugh-out-loud look at all the fun things grown-ups never let you do . . . now in paperback! Jenny Offill, author of 11 Experiments That Failed, describes how tough it is to be a kid, when even the (seemingly) best ideas are met with resistance. The text is short, spare, and fall-on-the-floor funny—not to mention utterly child-friendly. Here,…
"Frog loves his log. So when a storm washes away his home, he tries everything to hang on as he drifts downstream. But when Frog has to abandon his log, he finds another... or so it seems."
A girl describes how her skin, bones, muscles, brain, blood, heart, lungs, and stomach receive energy and function as parts of her body
Nancy sets up a fabulous fashion boutique to earn money to buy herself a beautiful fan, and the items she was selling come in handy when her sister's birthday party goes awry
Follows a little girl through the year as she watches her runner bean plants grow
As a storm approaches, Little Goosey and Big Gander Goose join other animals in searching for a place to hide
"It's finally spring and Albert can't wait to see his favorite tree, but his tree can't seem to stop crying. WAAA WAA WAAAA. What could be the matter?"
Octopus' eight tentacles make him really good at tickling others, but when he tickles Oyster and causes her to lose her precious pearl, Octopus questions whether his talent really does any good all.
Pada suatu pagi setelah malam yang berbadai, sebuah kapal bajak laut berlabuh di pulau kecil yang didiami keluarga petani. Ternyata kapal itu dinahkodai oleh seorang bajak laut kecil. Ia adalah bajak laut terakhir dan ia berkeras akan menguasai pulau para petani. Bisakah keluarga petani membuat si bajak laut kecil mengurungkan niatnya?
Tikus Kecil ketakutan saat ia sedang berbaring di tempat tidurnya. Suara apa itu? Mengendus dan mengembus? Huuuu huuu? Apakah itu suara hantu memanggil? Bolehkah aku naik ke tempat tidurmu? Tikus Kecil bertanya kepada Tikus Besar. Tetapi Tikus Besar tidak mau berbagi tempat tidur dan malah meminta Tikus Kecil tidur sendiri.