Summary:Its the first coronation of a female monarch of Genovia in 200 years, and Her Royal Highness, Princess Olivia Grace Clarisse Mignonette Harrison, is giving you the inside scoop in this newest (illustrated!) middle-grade diary from New York Times--bestselling author and illustrator Meg Cabot! Olivia Grace Clarisse Mignonette Harrison should be having fun. Her best friend is visiting from…
Summary:Pippi and her pals Annika and Tommy are off to the Canny Canny Island, where Pippi's father is king... and where they will find caves to explore, play marbles with real pearls and find that even the pirates and sharks are no match for Pippi!
Summary: A fast-moving retelling of the classic story of Ulysses. Designed for children from around the age of nine, it is part of the Usborne Classics range, which covers a variety of authors and periods, and seeks to introduce the younger reader to the great works and authors of literature
Summary:Alfie Briggs, a burglar, returns from a hard night's thieving to find that someone has burgled his breakfast
Summary:Madison learns through a weblog that her friend Ivy's life is not as perfect as Ivy would have the world believe
Summary:Madison learns through a weblog that her friend Ivy's life is not as perfect as Ivy would have the world believe
Emil adalah anak laki-laki kecil yang tinggal di Lonneberga, Swedia. Umurnya lima tahun. Matanya biru dan bundar. Pipinya kemerah-merahan. Rambutnya pirang dan agak keriting. Kelihatannya si Emil ini manis sekali, seperti malaikat mungil. Tapi itu cuma kelihatannya saja. Sebab sebetulnya si Emil ini badungnya bukan main. Bayangkan saja, masa kepalanya dimasukkan ke dalam mangkuk sup, sampai …
Kepolisian Stockholm mencari anak laki-laki berumur 9 tahun bernama Bo Vilhelm Olsson, yang hilang dari rumahnya di Upplandsgatan No. 13 sejak pukul 18.00 dua hari lalu. Bo Vilhelm Olsson berambut pirang dan bermata biru. Saat hilang ia mengenakan celana pendek biru, sweter abu-abu, dan topi merah kecil. Siapa saja yang dapat memberikan informasi tentang keberadaan anak tersebut dimohon agar me…
Hanya keluarga Madicken dan Lisabet-lah yang bisa merayakan ulang tahun Mama di atas pohon, dengan ditunggui serombongan sapi jantan galak di bawahnya. Dan hanya Madicken-lah yang cukup gila-gilaan mau menerima tantangan Mia untuk berjalan sepanjang atap sekolah, padahal Kepala Sekolah sedang mendengkur tepat di bawahnya! Dan siapa lagi kalau bukan Madicken yang berhasil membebaskan adik bayiny…
Widower Mukesh lives a quiet life in the London Borough of Ealing after losing his beloved wife. He shops every Wednesday, goes to Temple, and worries about his granddaughter, Priya, who hides in her room reading while he spends his evenings watching nature documentaries. Aleisha is a bright but anxious teenager working at the local library for the summer when she discovers a crumpled-up pie…