Apa rasanya gula? Tentu saja rasanya manis. Bagaimana kta mengetahuinya? Dengan lidah kita tentunya. Bagaimana indra pengecap kta ni bekerja? Apa saja yang ada dalam indra itu? Bekerja sama dengan indra penciuman, indra pengecap menjadi unik.
Summary:This is one of a series of stories featuring Poppy and Sam, their dog Rusty, Curly the pig and Woolly the sheep, as they go about their lives on Apple Tree Farm.
Summary:Take the lid off over 20 household machines and look inside to reveal how they work. Double-page illustrations show the inside of each machine and the text explains every mechanical and electronic part
Summary:Ingenious Jean is being ingenious, hammering and banging, drawing and planning, scheming and dreaming. Something to change the world? Or something closer to home, but just as ingenious. Suggested level: junior, primary
Summary:"Thanks to an unexpected adventure, brothers Flynn and Paddy have recently acquired a pet dragon. One day, their dragon, Elton John, takes them on an impromptu ride through the sky, right into the heart of a dragon gathering"
Summary:When the Octonauts, a team of eight animal underwater explorers, meet a frowning fish, they try their best to make it smile
Summary:Bear announces that it's "a perfect day for it" and his friends follow him up the mountain, each imagining what special treat they might share there, but all come to agree that Bear's "it" is just right
To celebrate the harvest festival, dragon kites, or janggan, take to the skies! Wira is determined that his family’s janggan will win the flying competition, until he sees his friend Yoga’s majestic kite. Does Wira’s janggan still stand a chance? And will the boys’ friendship survive if Yoga’s dragon wins?
Jojo bertemu seorang teman baru bernama Fafa. Di tempat baru Jojo mulai bermain sepak bola bersama. Akan tetapi, Fafa terlihat selalu diam selama permainan berlangsung. Tiba-tiba sebuah kecelakaan terjadi dan Jojo menemukan sesuatu tentang teman barunya. Apakah yang akan Jojo pelajari dari Fafa yang pendiam?
Buku ini menceritakan kelebihan dan keunikan yang dimiliki oleh buaya. Hobinya berjemur di pinggir sungai. Kaku layaknya kayu. Hati-hati jangan didekati. Hap! Sekali tertangkap oleh rahangnya, tidak ada mangsa yang bisa lepas. Giginya yang runcing dan tajam akan mencabik-cabik mangsanya. Tak heran jika buaya dijuluki reptil terbuas di sungai.