Buku ini akan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan seru mengenai bagaimana cara menyelamatkan Bumi kita. Disertai macam-macam penjelasan soal kerusakan Bumi serta penyebabnya.
Deskripsi Buku Berisikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan berdasarkan rasa ingin tahu anak-anak mengenai sains yang ada di dunia. Dijawab dengan jawaban detail, ringkas, dan jelas.
Deskripsi Buku Apakah kamu punya banyak pertanyaan? Buku ini penuh dengan jawaban yang luar biasa! Ilustrasi dan fakta mencengangkan telah menjawab berbagai pertanyaan mengenai lautan.
Nora mengajak pembaca anak untuk mengenal hewan-hewan yang berukuran kecil, mulai dari serangga hingga kalajengking. Dengan penjelasan singkat dan jelas, buku ini sangat cocok untuk orangtua dalam membantu menjelaskan hewan-hewan peliharaan pada anaknya. Gambar yang disajikan pun berukuran besar dengan foto asli sehingga anak-anak pasti menyukainya.
Take a little Horror home with you! In HorrorLand's eerie gift shop Andy finds a hound's-tooth necklace. The big tooth is yellow, has two sharp points, and, according to the shopkeeper, is said to grant wishes. But Jonathan Chiller knows something else about the tooth. It's said to be haunted by the ghost of a huge hound. A ghost that's got a mouthful of sharp teeth--but wants this one back.
Matt was never a superstar in school, but he's definitely the most energetic and quick-witted student here. But what's up with the others? His suspicions are finally confirmed when Franny, his new friend asks, "How long have you been dead?" To his horror, Matt realizes his parents have unknowingly enrolled him in a zombie school. When Matt overhears the zombie plans to march and claim the whole…
The infamous, Most Wanted Goosebumps characters are out on the loose and they're coming after you! There is no place to hide. Nothing is safe!Jay Gardner is a mischievous kid who can't stay out of trouble. Unfortunately, Jay gets in so much trouble, his family is forced to move. But there's something odd about Jay's new town. Why does everyone have lawn gnomes in front of their homes? And why i…
Robby creates comic strips on his computer. His favorite creation is Dr. Maniac, weird and wicked supervillan.. Dr. Maniac isn't a real doctor, but he sure is a maniac! And now Dr. Maniac is on the loose . . . in the real world!Meanwhile, seven ordinary kids are now trapped in the popular theme park called HorrorLand. Can Robby survive long enoguh to find a save them? A hairy situation awaits i…
JUST CALL HIM PRUNE FACE! Steve Boswell will never forget Carly Beth's Halloween mask. It was so gross. So terrifying. But this year Steve wants to have the scariest costume on the block. So he gets a mask from the same store where Carly Beth got hers. It looks like a creepy old man. With stringy hair. A wrinkled face. And spiders crawling out of the ears! Steve's definitely got the sc…
Welcome to the Hall of Horrors, HorrorLand's Hall of Fame for the truly terrifying. Jack Harmon can't think of anything worse than getting picked on by the bullies at school, until he discovers an even bigger threat. After finding a cell phone, Jack begins to hear a strange voice on the other end. Jack keeps trying to make his new "friend" happy. Now everyone thinks Jack has lost his mind. How…