Murka Sri Kertajaya : Di malam yang menukik tajam itu, keadaan Istana kian tidak menentu. Sri Kertajaya tidak mengumpat karena sebilah pedang panjang melekat di lehernya dan masih dijadikan sasaran bidik puluhan anak panah yang terarah lurus ke jantungnya, dalam keadaan yang demikian, pimpinan mata-mata Ganter harus menghitung keadaan, mengamati dengan cermat langkah apa yang harus diambil untu…
Catatan Harian Anne Frank merupakan dokumen paling abadi dari abad dua puluh, dan merupakan salah satu autobiografi paling disukai sepanjang masa. Semenjak terbit tahun 1947, buku ini telah dibaca oleh lebih dari sepuluh juta orang di seluruh dunia dan tetap menjadi wasiat berharga, serta mendapat pujian mendalam bagi sifat dasar jiwa manusia yang tak terhancurkan. Anne Frank lahir pada 12 J…
Describes the physical characteristics, behavior, and habitat of sharks, discussing species including the hammerhead, shortfin mako, and the great white shark.
Yuk menyelam bersama Penyu Kecil ke dalam bawah laut yang penuh kejutan! Ada lumba- lumba, ikan paus, ubur-ubur, dan teman-teman lainnya yang mengajakmu berpetualang dengan seru!
'Once, in a place at the bottom of the ocean that is deeper, darker, further, wetter, colder, lonelier . . . than anything you can imagine, lived a piglet squid . . .' From Joyce Dunbar, author of Tell Me Something Happy Before I Go to Sleep and illustrator Tim Hopgood, (WOW Said the Owl), comes this acclaimed picture book about the wonder of just being alive. Piglet Squid spends all day smilin…
Based on the lyrics of the world famous Beatles song, this glorious picture book follows five children on a magical journey through the Octopus's garden. The playful Octopus takes them on a wondrous underwater adventure - riding on the backs of turtles, playing pirates in a sunken city and sheltering from a storm in the octopus's cave.
When Pete wakes up Easter morning, ready to check out his basket of goodies, he discovers the Easter Bunny needs a little extra help. Our favorite groovy blue cat puts on his bunny ears and finds a way to collect, paint, and hide the eggs all in time for Easter.
Peppa's baby cousin is about to say his very first word! Peppa's cousin, Baby Alexander has come to visit. He can't talk at all and only says "Goo-goo". But Peppa soon teaches Baby Alexander his very first word! Another delightful Peppa Pig tale that is perfect for reading and sharing together. This storybook is perfect for helping pre-schoolers through those tricky first experiences.
Peppa Goes to the Library is a fun and engaging first storybook for little children. Boring! Peppa is fed up of all her old books and needs some new ones. Join her on a fun-filled library trip to find more. Featuring all of your favourite Peppa Pig characters. Part of the My First Storybook range, Peppa Goes to the Library is a colourful and engaging board book based on the award-winning Nick…
It is Halloween and Peppa's family are having a Pumpkin Party! Everyone comes to play in their spookiest costumes, even Madame Gazelle! With a bright green neon cover, this storybook is perfect for reading at Halloween with little Peppa Pig fans.