Uma harus menjaga Adik saat Ibu pergi membeli makanan. Namun, Adik terus rewel. Mengapa Adik terus mengangis? Bagaimana Uma menghiburnya?
An altered retelling of the traditional tale about the conflict between pig and wolf--with a surprise ending
While attending a Seminole Indian celebration, a black family watches and joins in several exciting dances
Feeling that he is not ready to start monster kindergarten, Patrick practices roaring, sneaking up on people, and baring his teeth despite his parents' reassurances that he need only be himself in school
A young boy discovers a whale in his pool and tries everything he can think of to get it out
When Henry the mouse wants to buy a Super Robot Dude, he discovers how hard it is to save money
"Boost your baby's language, physical, and cognitive development with Baby moves."-
"A book of fun facts about fossils, pterodactyls, the T. rex, and more!"-- Provided by publisher.