A beautiful board book designed to help little ones learn to count.
A simple poem describing all kinds of stars that appear in the night sky
Crocodile has a terrible toothache. "Ha, ha!" laughs Giraffe. But the tables are turned and Crocodile has the last laugh after all. Find out what happens as you journey into the jungle to meet Giraffe and his animal friends
Deskripsi: Paman Pete ingin bekerja, tapi tampaknya dia sulit mendapatkan pekerjaan yang cocok. Untungnya Paman Pete mempunyai teman seperti Mopsy dan Griffin yang punya banyak ide. Apakah teman-teman Paman Pete bisa membantunya menemukan pekerjaan yang tepat?
Deskripsi: Paman Pete menemukan seekor bayi naga. Dia pun membawanya ke toko untuk djual. Paman Pete menjualnya seharga lima koin emas. Namun, tak ada yang mau membelinya. Ketika harganya diturunkan pun, tetap tidak ada yang mau membeli naga bau itu.
Deskripsi: Toko Hewan Unik Paman Pete bukanlah toko hewan peliharaan biasa. Toko hewan peliharaan Paman Pete menjual hewan-hewan yang tidak biasa. Jadi, ketika Nyonya Muddyboot ingin membeli jumper, dia justru mendapatkan yang tak diduga!
Monday run-day, Tuesday​ snooze-day... Every day's a fun day with this little dog and his friends.
Be Truthful .. Let's Be Kind .. Let's Share .. Be Helpful .. In this four board book set, four important character traits are demonstrated through whimsical rhymes and illustrations that help us to be better friends and more considerate of others.
Big Bear introduces her cubs to their environment by teaching them to catch fish and swim.
One by one the bears disappear from view until one poor bear is left alone. Will all ten bears get bak together again?