The Day was bright and the sun was shinning down through the crystal clear water. On this day a young shark named Sevengill Will was longing to explore, so he swam to his friends house, Bobby Blue Shark. They decided to gather some of their buddies together for a day of adventure. Sevengill Will and Bobby Blue Shark assembled Connie Cookie Cutter, Sammy Silvertip, Tony Tiger Shark and Benny Bas…
When their parents leave baby sharks, Sammy and Sophie with a babysitter, things are so exciting Sammy has to work hard on his unfortunate "biting" habit
Sylvia Earle first lost her heart to the ocean as a young girl when she discovered the wonders of the Gulf of Mexico in her backyard. As an adult, she dives even deeper. Whether she's designing submersibles, swimming with the whales, or taking deep-water walks, Sylvia Earle has dedicated her life to learning more about what she calls "the blue heart of the planet." Life in the Ocean tells the s…
“Who am I?” wonders Shark Baby. When his “mermaid’s purse” egg case is torn loose in a storm, he finds himself on a journey through different ocean habitats: kelp forests, coral reefs, and seagrass meadows. He learns what kind of shark he isn’t, but not what kind he is. He needs to find the “mermaid” to learn where he belongs, but the ocean is big and full of dangers. Will he fi…
The ocean is an old, old place, and the exotic animals in the depths have learned to adapt to their surroundings to survive. Can you find the creatures hidden on every page? Includes "For creative minds" educational section
Describes shark behavior and different kinds of sharks
Describes, in text and photographs, the physical characteristics, behavior, and life cycle of various types of sharks
1. Llama stops teasing 2. Giraffe is Left Out 3. Sloth Gets Busy 4. Tiger has a Tantrum 5. Hippo Owns Up 6. Elephant Learns to Share
...because life is FUN!
PUSTAKA PETER RABBIT. Beatrix Potter 1. Kisah Peter Kelinci 2. Kisah Tom Kucing 3. Kisah Jemima Itik 4. Kisah Nutkin Tupai 5. Kisah Benyamin Kelinci 6. Kisah Anak-Anak Flopsy Kelinci 7. Kisah Bu Tiggy-Winkle 8. Kisah Dua Tikus Nakal 9. Kisah Johny si Tikus-Kota 10. Kisah Jeremy Pengail 11. Kisah Bu Tittlemouse 12. Kisah Penjahit Gloucester