I can see a nose and two eyes in the bushes!" cries Hattie. But nobody is listening. "I can see a nose, two eyes, two ears, two legs, and a body in the bushes!" cries Hattie. But no one is paying a bit of attention. Not goose. Not pig. Not horse. Not cow. She tries again and again to warn her friends of danger, but nobody listens to Hattie. That is, until they all realize that what Hattie…
Learn all about influential women who changed history in this engaging and colorful board book perfect for trailblazers-in-training! Paving the way to a future that’s bright. Helping the world with their skills, smarts, and might. Little trailblazers cause great big changes.
Summary:"Little explorers discover a great big world"
Little Calf loves her mummy. join in this sweet adventure, as you meet lots of her friends in this charming furry book
Join Fluffy Bunny and his Mummy as they visit the park and play lots of fun games. with soft, fluffy fur for little fingers to discover, this charming is perfect for parent and child to share together.
Meet Lion as he and his friends play afun game of hide-and-seek in the jungle. can you help him to find everyone? This wonderfully illustrated book makes reading so much fun!
Little Polar Bear is looking everywhere, but none of the animals he meets can help him. Will Little Polar Bear ever find is Mummy?
Hit the high seas with this board book featuring Richard Scarry's fast and fun boats! From motorboats and sailboats, to submarines and kayaks, little sailors will be eager to cruise through these adventurous pages!
The countryside of New England is depicted in the pictures accompanying this folk song in which a fox travels many miles to get dinner for his wife and ten cubs
"Imagine a beach where you can swim, surf, splash through the waves, make sandcastles, hunt for treasure, explore rock-pools, muck about in boats, fish from the jetty, and build a bonfire under the stars. Imagine a beach where adventure begins"