The Famous Five are camping near a famous scientist's house, and when top-secret papers go missing, it is up to the Five to find the thief.
What is so mysterious about Mystery Moor? Do the unfriendly travellers know? The Five risk treacherous mists to follow them - but will the trail lead to danger? This edition is part of a series of reissues commemorating the birth of Enid Blyton, with original illustrations by Eileen Soper.
Find out what it's like to be a fireman racing to the rescue, a pirate on a swashbuckling quest or a train driver whooshing along the tracks in this collection of three exciting stories. Where will your adventures lead?
Winnie and Wilbur love their vegetables. They are regulars at the weekly farmers' market to stock up on their greens, but bringing them back home on a broomstick proves to be rather hazardous. So Winnie decides to grow her own and digs a vegetable patch in her garden. Not having the patience of a true gardener, she uses a little magic to speed up the growing process . . . only to end up with a …
Roble the desert gerbil and his friends search for food at night. But there has been no rain for a very long time, so the gerbils are hot and thirsty. All the plants are dying. Can Roble make it rain again? This is a very delightful story that children of all ages will love!
Liburan telah tiba! Lisa dan keluarga berlibur ke rumah nenek dan kakek. tapi lisa melihat banyak hal aneh, lisa tidak bisa menemukan semua kesalahan dan keanehan itu. kita bantu lisa yuk menemukannya di buku ini!
Deskripsi: Besok mau sekolah. Mika harus siap - siap. Apa saja yang akan dibawa Mika ke sekolah? Bola? Krayon? Atau si babi kecil? Ayay dan koge boleh juga!
Sinopsis Toman kecil dan burung udang berteman baik. Mereka bertahan hidup di sungai dengan cara menangkap mangsa bersama. Temukan bagaimana cara mereka saling membantu untuk menangkap ikan kecil sebagai makanan mereka.
Dikisahkan, tiga anak bernama Ilham, Beno dan Faza sangat senang karena bisa melihat Kirab Budaya Grebeg Suro. Mereka melihat ayah Faza membawa topeng sangat besar yang bentuknya adalah perpaduan antara bulu burung merak, singa dan harimau. Sebuah topeng raksasa berbulu merak dengan kepala harimau dan rambut seperti singa? Topeng ini memiliki banyak sebutan, salah satunya Topeng Dadak Merak.…