Summary:Owl wishes he had some ice cream like his friends, and so Panda and Sheep find a way to share
Summary:When Hoppy the rabbit wakes up on the first day of spring, he discovers a world full of wonderful things! But after he's sniffed the fresh air, listened to the singing birds and tasted the fresh green grass, he starts to feel a little lonely. And so he finds a way to wake up his friends so they can enjoy the sights, smells and sounds of spring all together
Sing along wth this well-loved children's song. Perfect for children and their parents.
Summary:Different dogs make a variety of doggy sounds and the reader is encouraged to join in
Summary:When Duck gets tired of working for Farmer Brown, his political ambition eventually leads to his being elected President
Summary:When Farmer Brown's cows find a typewriter in the barn they start making demands, and go on strike when the farmer refuses to give them what they want
Dory, a forgetful fish, can still help a father find his son.
While searching for eggs on the farm, Sam and Alice discover they can be best friends when they cooperate with each other
Poor Chicken Little! Ever since the embarrassing “acorn incident,” he has been laughed at by Turkey Lurkey, Goosey Loosey, and all the other residents of Oakey Oaks. But when the sky really is falling, will Chicken Little be able to redeem himself in time to save the town from disaster–or will he end up the butt of more chicken jokes? Find out in this dynamically illustrated retelling of …