Summary:"Little ones will love learning where different creatures live with this Tiny Touch board book that's filled with adorable baby animals and their mamas. This concept book has bumpy, textured pages that make it a tactile and interactive experience for tiny hands."
Summary:In a simple rhyme, a parent shares love for a child by telling some of the many things the child is or does that are special, whether happy, sad, playful, bad, or thoughtful
Summary:The caterpillars of Ha-Ha don't believe tiny Antonio Ant is stronger thal ALL of them! And thy laugh even harder when Antonio says his strength comes from God! But like Elijah called on God for help with the prophets of Baal, Antonio calls on God for help with the caterpillars of Ha-Ha
Deskripsi: Yuk mengenal angka bersama Goyi & Pipi. Suatu hari, Goyi dan Pipi bertemu banyak sekali teman. Ada si naga yang lucu, macan, dan orang utan! Mereka masing-masing membawa sesuatu. Keseruan apa yang bakal Goyi dan Pipi hadapi? Yuk cari tau.
Para persegi sedang melakukan sesuatu. Persegi Kuning sedang penasaran. Persegi Hitam betul-betul bosan. Ayo kenali para persegi dari aktivitas mereka! Buku ini akan membantu orangtua memperkenalkan bentuk persegi kepada anak usia dini dengan cara yang menarik dan sederhana. Ilustrasinya yang imajinatif membuat proses belajar menjadi lebih menyenangkan!
Summary:A first look at small garden insect life
Busy BEar needs to find a nw home before wnter. Come and help hm look! Children will love pushing out the sturdy slders on each page of this book untl they find him a home-sweet-home!
Turn the wheels and start learning! Little ones will love flipping each page to discover a new emergency vehicle, then turning the wheels to send them on their way.
Summary:Introduces the Muslim holiday, discussing the ways in which it is celebrated and why it is important
Summary:Someone has stolen all the cheese in Whisker Town. Will Supersqueak be able to find the cheese and save the day? Join Supersqueak as he hunts for the thief in this first comic book, filled with fun touches for little hands to explore