GENERAL FICTION (CHILDREN'S/YA). 'An irresistible, laughter-inducing romp' - "Sunday Times Good evening." Ok, this book's a bit hard to describe. There's this gingerbread man with electric muscles, see? And he's as rich as a mushroom, right? And Mr Gum and Billy William are planning to get the cash, yeah? And it's up to Polly to save the day. And there's a funfair and hot dogs, and Friday O'Lea…
Miss Lotie Lane suatu hari kedatangan tamu, seorang bintang panggung cantik bernama Sarah Massey. Miss Massey datang dengan kalung yang indah berisi batu Zambrud pemberian tunangannya. Miss Massey terlihat baik-baik saja dan sangat profesional, performanya juga terlihat sangat baik. Namun, suatu hari tak seperti penampilannya di panggung, kali ini Sarah Massey tampak kusut dan kebingungan. K…
Alivia dan Bella Watson adalah dua anak kembar yang kepribadiannya sangat berbeda. Tapi, mereka selalu kompak dalam setiap kegiatannya. Salah satu dari mereka ternyata kurang beruntung. Bella terjangkit penyakit yang belum ditemukan obatnya.
DESCRIPTION Marsha sangat menyukai dunia luar angkasa. Dia mengoleksi buku-buku yang berhubungan dengan luar angkasa. Mulai dari buku cerita yang tipis-tipis sampai ensiklopedi yang tebal-tebal. Kapan ya bisa pergi ke luar angkasa?khayal Marsha. Suatu hari .... Marsha tersentak kaget. Di hadapannya, tampak sosok bayangan hitam muncul secara tiba-tiba. "Jangan sentuh aku!" jerit Marsha keta…
Ini London, 1876 dan Hetty Feather masih bayi kecil ketika ibunya meninggalkannya di Rumah Sakit Foundling. Rumah Sakit merawat anak-anak terlantar - tetapi Hetty harus tinggal bersama keluarga angkat terlebih dahulu sampai dia cukup besar untuk bersekolah. Kehidupan di pedesaan sulit tetapi bersama 'saudara laki-lakinya' Jem dan Gideon, dia membantu di ladang dan memainkan permainan khayalan. …
Since Penelope's a superb artist, she comes up with a plan, she's going to be the boss of the mural her school is making at the Portwaller's Blessed Home for the Aged, which will make her into everyone's Favorite. And maybe it'll frighten The Bad Luck away. But things don't quite go as planned there either. And when an old woman named Nila promises to help Penelope find her luck so everyone wil…
Bruno Pockley has a talent. A prodigious talent. But he's only just beginning to discover its worth ... When Bruno is sniffed out by a specially trained Trumpenhund as having world-class phartling potential, it's as if all his dreams have come true. Finally, his talent is being recognized! Then he and his classmates are taken to the court of the Knights Trumplar in the Kingdom of Phartesia, whe…
"The story of twelve-year-old Alice, a misfit who is ignored by her own family and shipped off to boarding school. She'd love a friend, and one day she rescues mysterious Millie Maximus from drowning in a lake. Millie, it turns out, is a Bigfoot, part of a clan that lives deep in the woods. Alice swears to protect Millie and her tribe, and the two girls try to find a place where they both fit in"
DESCRIPTION Menceritakan dua anak kembar, Melyssa dan Melinda. Keduanya mempunyai keahlian yang beragam. Melyssa menguasai dunia akting, menyanyi, serta balet. Sedangkan Melinda menguasai olahraga, speerti renang, tenis, dans enam. Namun, keduanya pandai bermain piano, biola, dan tarian klasik. Luarr biasa! Nah, dalam buku ini si Kembar mengalami berbagai kejadian yang lucu, serius dan menga…
Mr Twiddle is a kind soul with the best intentions, but he is extremely forgetful, very lazy and more than a little bit silly. One day he thinks he is in for a bit of luck when he finds a new suit under a bush and convinces himself there are coins magically appearing as he cuts the grass.