Introduce your kids to tons of fun anmals and new words as they travel around the world in this vocabulary-building book. Through its charming illustrations and rhyming text, children will learn a very important spiritual truth-because God has made them all, every animal is special, whether big or small.
Summary:Little learners will soon master their numbers with this new title. On the turn of every page, they'll be excited to discover raised animal shapes to touch, feel and explore, and that neatly tuck into the shaped spaces on the opposite page. There are collections of bright and colourful animals to count in A Parade of Animals, from a school of fish to a dazzle of zebras. Offering a tacti…
Summary:The breakdancing bear and other astonishing animals are here to touch you the alphabet!
DESCRIPTION Cerita tentang rasa ingin tahu seorang anak kecil terhadap serangga? Dia bersama ayahnya melihat-lihat serangga. Ayahnya dengan sabar menjelaskan yang mana serangga yang mana yang bukan serangga.
Buku ini bercerita tentang kasih sayang antara kakak dan adik. Ceritannya lucu, hangat, dan menggemaskan
Sinopsis Nana si Orangutan yang masih kecil sangat banyak bergantung kepada ibunya. Kesehariannya selalu dipenuhi oleh kebaikan ibunya yang selalu memberi makan, mengajari, membersamai, dan memeluk Nana. Suatu hari ketika buah sedang tidak banyak tersedia di hutan, Nana yang kelaparan merengek memaksa meminta makanan karena lapar. Meskipun ibunya sudah berusaha tapi Nana tidak menghargai h…
Summary:"This board book presents words related to the Islamic holiday of Ramadan." -- (Source of summary not specified)
Summary:C Is for Castle: A Medieval Alphabet is part of a unique new series that opens a window on history while teaching toddlers the ABCs. Different eras of history--including the nineteenth-century American West, medieval Europe, and Victorian England--are brought to life by Greg Paprocki's fun and enticing illustrations in this new series of board books for brilliant babies.
Buku ini mengajak putra-putri Anda belajar mengenal warna sekaligus mengenal warna binatang.
Summary:Babies enjoy many different activities during the day