"My mum's the best because..." Is it her hugs, her kisses, her dancing? Whatever it is that makes a mum the best, this simple, classic book has it all - and features a cast of hilarious animal characters, too!
Summary:Everyone's favorite pig takes on the ABCs
Summary:Children will love to discover the friends in Busy Town in this rhyming pull-the-tab book
Explains how to investigate the plant and animal life found in a small section of the woods
Remember, if ever you feel a storm brewing, just stop pulling faces - if that's what you're doing. Don't be silly like Tilly if wind's blowing through, or one day the same thing might happen to you.
To keep from being eaten, an inchworm measures a robin's tail, a flamingo's neck, a toucan's beak, a heron's legs, and a nightingale's song
Penguins are dancing in their cove, and a young girl is determined to join in the fun
When Miss Fox realizes that her students do not have healthy habits, she teaches them that healthful living is fun and rewarding, which they find to be true on Field Day
Tells the true story of a man who became lost and delirious after an unsuccessful trek to the top of K2, was saved by the locals of a remote Himalayan village, and kept his vow to return one day to build them a new school as a gesture of sincere appreciation and gratitude for what they did for him in his time of need
Malam datang kembali, sudah waktunya Lala tidur. Setelah membaca buku dan berdoa, Lala memejamkan mata. Tapi ... dia mendengar suara aneh di kolong tempat tidur. Duh, Lala jadi takut. Suara apa ya itu .... INTISARI CERITA Buku ini menceritakan tentang kemandirian anak untuk mengatasi rasa takut dan berani tidur sendiri. Seri Cerita Anak Pintar bermanfaat untuk: - Melatih kemandir…