Buku ini menceritakan kebaikan kakak. Kakak suka mengajak bermain, mengingatkan untuk bersyukur, mengajak mengaji, dan banyak lagi. Mau tahu kebaikan kakak lainnya? Yuk, baca saja! Buku ini mengajak dan melatih anak-anak sehingga memiliki: kecerdasan visual, kecerdasan bahasa, kecerdasan emosional.
Seri Kimi dan Kino adalah lanjutan dari seri Kimi dan Mimi . Seri ini akan mengajak anak berperilaku baik sejak dini. Disampaikan lewat pengalaman sehari-hari Kimi dan adiknya, Kino serta kucing mereka, Mimi. Dari kisah mereka, anak akan diajarkan menghormati, menyayangi sesama juga binatang, bersikap adil, belajar berkompromi, memaafkan, berempati, bersyukur, berbagi, jujur, rendah hati, dan g…
Clarabella the Crocodile misses out on playing with her friends because it takes to long to brush her teeth
Johnny thinks that his room has its own special style. But his mum thinks his room is ... a mess! Johnny doesn't care ... until all the mess attracts the terrible Jumblebum Beast. Will Johnny end up in the Jumblebum's tum - or can his secret plan save the day? Suggested level: junior
Summary:Lets you join Hodge the Hedgehog as he makes new friends. Suitable for young, this picture book offers woodland creature adventures
While walking down the street, a mouse tries to answer a young girl's question about why they are best friends. A laugh-out-loud exploration of what puts the "best" in best friends!
Hairy Maclary's Rumpus at the Vets! Sniffles ad snuffles and doses of flu, itches and stitches and tummy ache too... Hairy Maclary is waiting to see the vet with lots of other pets. The something happens to turn the waiting room into a kerfuffling scramble of paws, a tangle of bodies and a jumble of jaws...
Summary:It's a lovely, bright morning and Lulu is just waking up. There's a noise outside her window . . ... Join Lulu as she listens to her favourite noises - and has lots of fun along the way! From the tweeting birds to the ding-a-ling of Lulu's tricycle, little ones will love picking out familiar sounds in this brilliantly interactive book ... With a flap to lift on every spread, these perfe…
Through a week of diary entries, a wombat describes his life of sleeping, playing, and helping his mother look for a bigger hole in which to make their home
Summary:Lulu and her mummy are baking special treats, and Lulu is picking out all of her favourite shapes as they go along. Little ones will love learning with Lulu in this brilliantly interactive book - and having lots of fun along the way! . . With a flap to lift on every spread, these perfectly-sized board books with rounded corners are just-right for little hands