At Park Street School, you have the Popular Girls. They even have a Popular Girls Club. But what happens when you aren’t invited to join? Do you start an Unpopular Club? No, you start a Cupcake Club! This second book from The Cupcake Diaries is told through the perspective of Mia. Like the other members of the club, readers will get a chance to know the new girl in school. Mia has never ha…
This first book in The Cupcake Diaries is told through the perspective of Katie Brown. We find Katie miserable on the first day of middle school. Her best friend Callie came back from camp boy-crazy and part of a whole new group of friends. When it's made clear that Callie is in the PGC (Popular Girls Club) and Katie is not invited to join, Katie suddenly feels incredibly alone. Katie realizes …
When Mia asks the girls in the club to be junior bridesmaids in her mother's wedding, everyone is superexcited about the idea...especially when they find the perfect dress for the occasion! It's Emma's dream dress, except it's a little more than she expected. And with her mom now out of a job (she's been put on furlough at the library) there's not a lot of room at the Taylor's house for extras.…
Two of Jacqueline Wilson's most popular stories together in one fantastic collection. In THE SUITCASE KID, Andy is struggling to cope with her parents' divorce: one week with Mum, one week with Dad. But all she wants is to go back to how things were before . . . Winner of the Children's Book Award In THE LOTTIE PROJECT, Charlie invents a Victorian servant girl as part of her school project. Lot…
Aku punya kucing. Aku sayang sekali padanya. Tapi ia sangat membosankan. Meskipun begitu, Mabel, kucing tuaku tersayang, adalah pendengar yang baik. Ia mau mendengarkan semua ceritaku, termasuk tentang ibuku yang meninggal waktu melahirkan aku. Mabel mungkin tidak selincah atau selucu anak-anak kucing milik Sophie temanku, tapi Mabel selalu setia menemaniku. Miss Smith, guru baruku, memberitahu…
Daisy anak baru di sekolah. Semua temannya ramah dan baik hati, kecuali Chloe yang sok kaya, sok tahu, dan sok ngebos. Susah deh berteman dengan Chloe, tapi lebih gawat lagi kalau bermusuhan dengannya. Soalnya ia punya ribuan cara untuk membalas dendam. Ketika Chloe menantang teman-temannya untuk mengadakan Pesta Menginap, Daisy ingin sekali ikut serta. Tapi ia bingung... karena kalau ia mengad…
Perpisahan orangtua kerap menimbulkan dampak bagi anak-anak. Entah itu perubahan secara psikis, kebiasaan rutin, atau bahkan impian yang selama ini melekat di benak anak. Anak-anak umumnya hanya ingin menjalani hari-hari seperti biasanya; teratur, menjalani masa-masa bahagia, ditemani kedua orangtua yang lengkap, saling menyayangi dan mengasihi, serta tinggal di rumahnya sendiri. Sayangnya, hal…
"Kenapa kau tak pernah mengatakan apapun, Lizzie? "kata Rory. "Sepertinya mulutmu terkunci." Lizzie menolak bicara. Ia tak mau bicara pada saudara tirinya yang baru Rory dan Jake, juga pada Sam, ayah kedua anak lelaki itu, atau bahkan pada ibunya. Ia sudah muak lagi-lagi harus bergabung dengan keluarga baru, tak tak ada apa pun yang bisa membujuknya agar mau bicara pada mereka. Tidak sepak bola…
A poignant and powerful coming of age story perfect for fans of Wonder and The Thing about Jellyfish You've never met anyone exactly like twelve-year-old Sarah Nelson. While most of her friends obsess over Harry Potter, she spends her time writing letters to Atticus Finch. She collects trouble words in her diary. Her best friend is a plant. And she's never known her mother, who left when Sar…
Amelia shares the future and becomes a fortune-teller in this mystical installment of the bestselling Amelia series! Does your handwriting reveal your true personality? What does your messy room say about you? To answer these questions and more, gaze into Amelia’s notebook to discover what the future may hold for you. PLUS: Share the good fortune with your friends—just tear out the fo…