Provides directions for how to track dragons over different types of terrain, how to trap them, and how to train them
As night falls in the jungle, all sorts of animals settle down to sleep
Introduces the concept of keeping a secret, in simple text with illustrations, as a number of children describe different types of secrets, good and bad
The littlest bunny longs to bounce as high as his brothers and sisters. But he's just too little! Then he bumps into someone even smaller than he is and realises that being little can be great too
A little bear remembers what makes him happy
Ella tells a story with fairies, princesses, castles, and no bears
Filbert MacFee is having a lively time in the hospital. When Nurse Skeeter is ready to give him a shot, he turns into a thick-skinned rhinoceros! The moment he sits in an ice-cold wheelchair headed for X-ray, he becomes a penguin. Crafty Nurse Beluga outwits Filbert in all his animal transformations, but good news comes at last-Dr. Kebob! Once he stops being an orangutan, he tells Filbert he is…
A witch finds room on her broom for all the animals that ask for a ride, and they repay her kindness by rescuing her from a dragon
Summary:Poor Duncan just wants to colour in. But when he opens his box of crayons, he only finds letters, all saying the same thing: We quit! Beige is tired of playing second fiddle to Brown, Blue needs a break from colouring in all that water, while Pink just wants to be used. Green has no complaints, but Orange and Yellow are no longer speaking to each other. The battle lines have been drawn.…
Seri Kimi dan Kino adalah lanjutan dari seri Kimi dan Mimi . Seri ini akan mengajak anak berperilaku baik sejak dini. Disampaikan lewat pengalaman sehari-hari Kimi dan adiknya, Kino serta kucing mereka, Mimi. Dari kisah mereka, anak akan diajarkan menghormati, menyayangi sesama juga binatang, bersikap adil, belajar berkompromi, memaafkan, berempati, bersyukur, berbagi, jujur, rendah hati, dan g…