A childhood recollection tells about an ideal school in Tokyo during World War II that combined learning with fun, freedom, and love. This unusual school had old railroad cars for classrooms, and it was run by an extraordinary man-its founder and headmaster, Sosaku Kobayashi-who was a firm believer in freedom of expression and activity
Sent to a military school at nine, Napoleon rapidly rose through the ranks of the French Army. But a brilliant military career wasn't enough. Soon, he had seized control of France and then he embarked upon a plan to rule all of Europe
Intended for children whose reading ability is beginning to grow, this illustrated title offers a look at the story of the Olympic Games, from its foundations in Ancient Greece to the global spectacles seen by modern audiences
DESCRIPTION Anak-anak, berbarislah yang rapi! seru Bu Zerti sambil mengatur murid-murid membuat barisan. Setelah itu, mereka berjalan menuju tempat tes kepekaan mata di halaman sekolah. Minum jus wortel, begitu nasihat petugas tes kepekaan mata setiap kali ada anak yang salah dalam menyebutkan huruf-huruf itu. Kini, tibalah giliran Dirly untuk maju. Ups! Ternyata Dirly banyak salah …
These are four new titles in this burgeoning series, providing a great introduction to the remarkable lives of important historical figures. Each book describes a famous life, following the protagonist through their triumphs and tribulations. It has lively speech, colourful illustrations and photographs that bring the reader closer to the action as the story unfolds
Fefei paling tidak suka makan cookies! Kenapa, sih? Cookies, kan, rasanya enak banget. Ternyata, setiap melihat cookies, Fefei selalu teringat kepada Kak Genna. Semua kenangan tentang Kak Genna membuat Fefei sedih. Siapa sesungguhnya Kak Genna? Di mana Kak Genna sekarang? Simak ceritanya dalam cerpen "I Love You, Kak Genna". Ceritanya sangat mengharukan, lho! Oh iya, masih banyak cerita lain ya…
Kennedy seorang anak yang terkenal baik, rajin, dan pintar di sekolahnya. Tidak aneh jika banyak yang ingin bersahabat dengannya, seperti Carolline, Kellie, dan Violinna. Mereka melakukan banyak kegiatan yang mengasyikkan. Ternyata, tidak semua menyukai Kennedy. Ada seorang anak perempuan yang malah ketakutan jika berteman dengannya. Saking takutnya, anak itu menulis sebuah rahasia di secar…
This title features three brand new titles in the Usborne Young Reading series, which is aimed at children just beginning to read to help build confidence and ability
DESCRIPTION Kembar, tapi, kok, tidak mirip, sih? Waduh ... malah musuhan, lagi! Hm ... ada apa, ya, antara Meyda dan Mayra si kembar tidak identik itu? Meyda sampai tega membuatkan cupcake untuk Mayra, padahal Meyda tahu betul bahwa Mayra mengidap alergi. Tentu saja Mayra jadi gatal-gatal sampai berkoreng! Duh, kasihan, ya? Meyda dan Mayra adalah bintang-bintang cilik yang bersinar. Namun b…
Presents the life and accomplishments of the famous Renaissance artist, scientist, engineer, and inventor