When a lost little mammoth unexpectedly arrives, Roo makes a wonderful new friend. But he also has to make a very difficult decision.
"Oakey goes exploring, making some new friends along the way. But when he gets lost in the big, wide world, who will help Oakey? Luckily Duck, Pig, and Horse come to the rescue and lead him safely back home. Oakey's exciting day has been ... just perfect!"
Discover the magical tale of how two families found their way to the wonderful place called Cricket Island to look after and find comfort in each other during a time of sorrow.
A little girl and her brother play with her imaginary gold-horned unicorn that can float on water, fly, and turn herself into a fairy princess
Jonathan Fossy is ever so bossy, he always tell everyone what to do. His family and neighbours get fed up with his commanding behaviour so they hatch a dastardly plan to teach him a lesson. They all dress up as pirates and give Jonathan a taste of his own medicine until he finally realises that it isn't nice to be bossy. The neighbours all cheer and Jonathan decides to be more helpful to everyone
Henry's Pirate Surprise - Henry is the cheif toy tester at his uncle's toyshop. One day, uncle Richard has a Surprise in store for Henry - he has made a Pirate galleon! But this is just the first of many Surprises for Henry...
Catch the fever! Gold fever swept the nationand the worldin 1848 when carpenter James Marshall discovered a gold nugget in the American River near John Sutter's mill. As word spread of gold in California, the news set off a westward stampede. Fortune seekers and adventurers poured into California by land and sea, wild with excitement and expectation.
DESCRIPTION Suatu hari Tata bermain ke rumah saudaranya. Dia melihat saudaranya memelihara kucing dan merawatnya dengan telaten. Tata jadi ingin punya kucing juga . Ketika tidur, dia selalu memimpikan kucing dengan suara "miaaaw"-nya. Iiih, menggemaskan! Ketika Tata bilang ingin memelihara kucing, orang tuanya setuju. Jadilan Tata punya "sahabat" baru, Niby, namanya Bagaimana, ya, ka…
DESCRIPTION Ada, enggak, ya, anak kembar yang enggak ingin teman-teman mereka tahu bahwa mereka kembar? Ada, nih! Namanya Zara dan Zira. Mereka sengaja enggak mau satu sekolah. Bahkan, Zara bela-belain ngumpet di mobil dan pakai topeng setan segala, supaya enggak ketahuan teman sekolah Zira. Ya jelas saja, teman Zira langsung pingsan! Zara dan Zira memang suka seru-seruan. Apalagi waktu mer…
Deskripsi: Punya ibu yang juga guru kelas? Whoaaa ... asyik! Pantas saja Mona kompak banget sama Mom, ibu sekaligus gurunya sendiri. Mereka selalu bersama. Bahkan, mereka sama-sama suka memakai bando, lho. Tapi, kalau di sekolah, Mona memanggil Mom, Bu Sherine, seperti anak-anak lain. Ya iyalah, masa manggilnya Emaaak! Hehehe ... Mona senang sekali ketika tahu Mom mengandung calon adiknya. Mak…