A young lion saves the day with the help of his new eyeglasses
A bomping, clattering thwacking, rattling dinosaur stomp.
The hour was late and Mr Bear was tired. But he could not sleep - however he tried and wherever he tried.Snore, snore went Mrs Bear.Tick-tock, tick-tock went the clock.Would he never get to sleep?
It's time for bed but Huggle Buggle Bear is hiding
Ling and Ting are identical twins that people think are exactly the same, but time and again they prove to be different
Doc has two mysteries to solve: what's wrong with this new toy, and who does she belong to?
On the edge of the deep wood lives an old hare. Every day he walks in the wood to visit his friend, little Robin, and listen to her bright, cheerful songs. When a howling winter storm uproots the tree that Robin lives in, best friend Hare comes to the rescue
From giant to tiny, watch the animals get smaller and smaller and smaller. From an elephant to a mouse, little ones will love to turn the pages and see the animals shrink in size.
Summary:Pickle and Bree want to redecorate their house - and of course, they can't agree on anything! But when they decide to go their own way, Pickle and Bree discover that some things are just not meant to be done alone! A brand-new picture book series featuring tiny but spirited Bree, and her best friend, the loveable bear Pickle
Summary:PICTURE STORYBOOKS. My First Reading Book. This is a delightful retelling of a classic story. The fresh and lively narrative and imaginative drawings of all the characters ensure that children can follow as you read to them, or try for themselves. Interactive writing exercises and a spot-the-difference puzzle provide a valuable aid to learning. It is an illustrated first reading book in…