Ayo, cari tahu keajaiban ilmu pengetahuan! Ternyata banyak fakta menariknya, lho! Coba bicara sambil mencubit hidung! Pasti akan keluar suara sengau yang aneh, kan. Kenapa bisa begitu, ya? Lalu, kenapa lubang hidung kita ada dua? Kenapa tidak satu saja seperti lubang hidung lumba-lumba? Temukan jawabannya di sini, ya! Lengkapi seri lainnya!
Tubuh manusia seperti gedung tinggi yang memiliki banyak pipa air. Nah, pembuluh darah di tubuh kita yang mempunyai fungsi seperti pipa. Mereka menjadi jalan supaya darah kita yang berharga tersalurkan ke seluruh bagian tubuh. Ajaib, ya! Buku ini akan menjadi pintu gerbang bagi anak-anak untuk menuju dunia pengetahuan yang luas dan mengagumkan!
DESCRIPTION Begitu banyak alat transportasi yang ada di sekitar kita. Pernahkan kamu berpikir dengan apa manusia purba menyeberangi sungai? Apakah kamu tahu kendaraan apa yang digunakan bangsa Roma untuk berperang? Apakah kamu tahu sejarah penemuan pesawat terbang? Apakah kamu tahu siapa penemu balon udara? Melalui berbagai ilustrasi dan narasi pendek namun kaya informasi, buku ini berba…
A playful Halloween twist on the classic nursery rhyme, "If You're Happy And You Know It," features little monsters that show their spookiness by clapping hands, stomping feet, and snapping fingers
A collection of short stories for the younger readers of ages 5-8 yrs.
We sell a variety of collectors books in all categories of fiction and non fiction. We have one of the largest range of Enid Blyton books for sale. We only sell mail order over the internet via Abebooks, and our own website, buybyebooks
An enormous elephant has escaped from the circus! Follow Sara as she comes up with a bright idea to stop the elephant from trampling the pretty flowers in the park, and even makes a friend along the way. Also in this delightful collection are the tales of the very fierce carpenter, the house in the fog and the surprising broom. You'll be reading all day long.
'Mr Woffles is so proud of his fine whiskers and is mortified when the careless hairdresser cuts them off - how silly he will look at the teddy bear's party! As well as Mr Woffles' mishap Enid Blyton creates fun and frolics with Angelina Jane, Ho-Ho, Goosey-Goosey-Gander and countless other loveable characters in this eclectic collection.''
A selection of short stories by Enid Blyton suitable for readers aged 5-8 years
Sammy had a very sulky face, but he wouldn't believe his mother when she said he would have a grumpy grown-up face too if he wasn't careful. Find out what changes when Sammy meets Old Man Blue-Eyes and a very special mirror... Also in this collection are the tales of Clever-One the imp, the foolish white horse and the boy who had a thousand wishes.