Synopsis: Felicity Wishes and her friends have lots of fun on a school trip to Sparkle Towers fairground. Told in three short stories, perfect for first readers. Coach Commotion - It's the day of The School of Nine Wishes annual outing and the fairies are going to Sparkle Towers. Felicity has bought a few sweets for the trip. Maybe a few too many! Fairground Fun - Felicity is looking forward t…
Summary:Felicity Wishes and her friends go on a holiday of a lifetime to visit Felicity's new penfriend in these three short stories, perfect for first readers. Perfect Penfriend - Felicity, being the friendliest fairy in Little Blossoming, replies to an advert for a penfriend. Little does she know that this will lead to a holiday of a lifetime for her and her fairy friends Magical Medicine - T…
Felicity Wishes knows that keeping a secret is the sign of a good friend - and she's determined to prove that she can keep them in these three short stories, perfect for first readers. Hidden Hairdo - A mysterious new fairy, Ella, has started at the School of Nine Wishes. Felicity makes friends with her straight away but will she be able to find out Ella's secret? Chocolate Cover-up -- The fair…
Summary:It is the opening day of the Land of Pink theme park and Felicity is first in the queue in these three short stories, perfect for young readers.
My name is April. April Showers - that's my nickname at school now. At least it's better than April Fool. And it's much, much better than Dustbin Baby I don't know where I came from or who I really am. All I know is that I was abandoned as a tiny baby in a rubbish bin. I'm safe with my foster mother now - but if only I could find my real mother, somehow...
Introduces African elephants, including what they eat, how they travel in groups, their migration patterns, and how they care for their young
Walt Disney always loved to entertain people. Often it got him into trouble. With black-and-white illustrations throughout, this biography reveals the man behind the magic
Tiga belas anak berkumpul setiap pagi di gedung sekolah yang kecil yang juga digunakan seekor sapi untuk berlindung saat matahari terbenam. Saat itulah kisah-kisah yang dibawa angin dari tebing dimulai...
Elmo and Ernie share jokes with each other and their friends
A collection of stories told in Paradise by beasts, birds, insects, and fish about an experinece that they remember when they lived on Earth