Sinopsis : Landi sangat suka bernyanyi. Suatu hari ada festival bakat. Ibu memntanya ikut, tapi Landi tidak mau. Karena sebenarnya ia adalah anak landak yang pemalu. Ibu lalu memberi Landi sebuah tips agar Landi bisa nyanyi di atas panggung. Apa tips dari ibu itu? Berhas;kah Landi ikut festival? Yuk, baca cerita ini!
Sinopsis : Bubu adalah seekor kelinci yang sangat suka makan wortel panjang. Suatu hari Bubu kehabisan wortel panjang dan menjadi sangat murung. Apakah Bubu akan mendapatkan kembali makanan kesukaannya? Yuk, kita baca ceritanya!
Sinopsis : Moni kagum pada pertunjukan sulap. Ia pun mengajarinya dan sangat suka. Suatu hari Moni diminta untuk menunjukkan sulapnya di acara pentas seni. Tapi ternyata, Moni menangis. Wah, ada apa ya?
Di kalangan para kucing, lemari bawah tangga adalah tempat yang sangat populer. Siapapun ingn tidur disana karena hangatnya. Begitu juga dnegan Lili, si kucing kecil. Apakah Lili berhasil mencoba tidur di elmari bawah tangga impiannya?
Sinopsis: Timi ingin sekali bermain dengan Cici dan Sasi di taman. Tapi Timi punya PR yang harus deiselesaikan. Ia pun ingin cepat-cepat mengerjakan PRnya. Setelah selesai a segera pergi ke taman, tapi ternyata jembatanya rusak. Aduh, bagaimana caranya Timi bisa bertemu Cici dan Sasi?
Synopsis: Eleven-year-old Indigo, her mother, and her toddler sister have to move out of their apartment because of troubles with Mum's boyfriend, while Indie is also having best friend problems at school, leaving her stressed, confused, and lonely.
Synopsis: Clementine has been picked for Friend of the Week, which means she gets to be line leader, collect the milk money, and feed the fish. Even better, she'll get a Friend of the Week booklet in which all the other third grade kids will write why they like her. Clementine's best friend Margaret has all sorts of crazy ideas for how Clementine can prove to the class she is a friend. Clement…
Synopsis: Move over, Junie B. Jones and Ivy & Bean! Here comes a lovably energetic little sister with a BIG personality—and an imagination to match! As the youngest in her family, Dory really wants attention, and more than anything she wants her brother and sister to play with her. But she’s too much of a baby for them, so she’s left to her own devices—including her wild imagination…
Synopsis: Madison and her friends have big plans for the summer-but everything is about to change. After agreeing to baby-sit for the neighbor's quiet kids down the block, Madison soon finds out that they're not so quiet after all. Will Madison and her BFFs turn down the heat themselves-or will lifeguard-in-training Hart save the summer?
Summary:Ten-year-old Allie's family moves from urban New Haven to rural Stamford, Connecticut, in the midst of the Great Depression