"The story of twelve-year-old Alice, a misfit who is ignored by her own family and shipped off to boarding school. She'd love a friend, and one day she rescues mysterious Millie Maximus from drowning in a lake. Millie, it turns out, is a Bigfoot, part of a clan that lives deep in the woods. Alice swears to protect Millie and her tribe, and the two girls try to find a place where they both fit in"
DESCRIPTION Menceritakan dua anak kembar, Melyssa dan Melinda. Keduanya mempunyai keahlian yang beragam. Melyssa menguasai dunia akting, menyanyi, serta balet. Sedangkan Melinda menguasai olahraga, speerti renang, tenis, dans enam. Namun, keduanya pandai bermain piano, biola, dan tarian klasik. Luarr biasa! Nah, dalam buku ini si Kembar mengalami berbagai kejadian yang lucu, serius dan menga…
Mr Twiddle is a kind soul with the best intentions, but he is extremely forgetful, very lazy and more than a little bit silly. One day he thinks he is in for a bit of luck when he finds a new suit under a bush and convinces himself there are coins magically appearing as he cuts the grass.
Mr Meddle is a pixie who can't get anything right. He's always meddling in other people's business and making dreadful muddles. He tries to be kind and mind the shop for Mr Sugarman, but he serves salt instead of sugar to Dame Flap and canary seed instead of butter to Molly Miggle.
When thirteen-year-old Angel gets angry and accidentally turns her parents into teenagers, as in love with one another as they once were, she will need the help of an angel to set things right
When Mona McNeil returns to visit her grandparents' farm as an adult, she recalls the summer she spent there raising Kiki, a lion cub she got as an eighth birthday gift from her uncle Matthew--an experience that led her to open Rainbow Street Animal Shelter
A collection of three previously published books with four stories each, about a misbehaving boy.
Mr Pink-Whistle is half-human and half-brownie, and he has a special talent for making himself invisible. Many children are eager for his help, and he is always glad to oblige, with a sprinkling of mischief and a twinkle in his eye.
Binkle and Flip are two of the cheekiest bunnies around, well-known all over Oak Tree Town for the naughty pranks they play. Every time they narrowly escape danger they swear they'll try to be better bunnies, but their mischief never stops for long.
Welcome to a magical world where animals talk and play - just like you and me! Lily and Jess are needed in Friendship Forest! Wicked witch Grizelda is causing trouble again with her new helpers, four messy animals from the Witchy Wastes. And when Grizelda casts a spell, little Olivia Nibblesqueak the hamster thinks she's a messy creature just like them! Can Jess and Lily find a spell to make Ol…