Summary:Four English children who go temporarily to live in the country with an aunt are so happy there they pursuade their parents to buy a farm
This is a story about children living on a farm, riding the donkeys, and helping with all the jobs that need doing around Willow Farm. Its simple storyline and animal interest should make it appealing to children. It is the second story in the series about Willow Farm.
Summary:A selection of short stories by Enid Blyton suitable for readers aged 5-8 years
utri duyung Umi Bergama bunya sedang berenang di dasar laut. Begitu banyak hal Indah yang dilihatnya: kuda laut, kerang, mutiara, ubur-ubur… Umi sangat terkesima sehingga dia tidak menyadari kalau ibunya sudah tidak berada di sampingnya. Di manakah ibunya Umi?
Fred, Lucy, the baby, and McDuff go to the lake for a Fourth of July picnic, but when ants consume all of their food it's up to McDuff to find something for them to eat.
Lala asyik sekali bermain balok, boneka, dan mewarnai. Berganti-ganti dan berpindah-pindah tempat. Hingga tiba-tiba, "Aduhhh ...!" terdengar suara keras Raka dari ruang tamu. Astaga! Ternyata Lala lupa merapikan mainan hingga mencelakai Raka. Yuk, kita bantu Lala merapikan mainannya.
Lala suka sekali bermain game di gadget. Meski sudah ada jadwal main gadget, tapi selalu dilanggar. Diam-diam, Lala bersembunyi untuk bermain gadget. Aduh, ayah dan ibu bingung sekali mencarinya. Ayo, kita bantu mencari Lala dan memberitahunya supaya tidak boleh bermain gadget terlalu lama.
Read the tale of Rose the hippo. When Kate Picks a beautiful flower for her, she feels really happy.
Dave's friend jojo is sick today so they can't play together, and this make him really sad
Robbie the tiger wants to play with his friends but when they wont't share their toys, it makes him really cross. Take a peek inside to see how Robbie let's those angry feelings go.