Maisy and Charley are visiting the city for the weekend. They are met at the coach station by their friend Dotty, who shows them around... As Maisy and Charley explore, they go down into the underground, up an escalator in a department store - where for a moment Maisy even gets a bit lost - and see all the sights in the bustling city.
Amazing animals await young readers in the pages of these wonderful pop-up books. Realistic animal sounds and vibrant pop-up images really bring these books to life! Children will learn all about the savanna, the ocean, the forest, and about dinosaurs, all accompanied by the sounds of wild animals and birds. All books in this series contain sound modules and panoramic 3D pictures.
Children will love discovering more about the land of Equestria in this early years reference book. Large pictures, fun fold-out pages with extra large images, and short, simple sentences bring the characters to life for children ages 5 and older. Favorite My Little Pony characters, including Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Princess Celestia, and l…
Life under the sea can be as dull as dishwater, until Barry arrives, that is. See, Barry is no ordinary fish--he's a fish with "fingers" And fingers mean finger puppets, finger painting, knitting, counting to ten, tickling, and all sorts of fun things. It isn't long before all of the other fish want fingers, too. Life under the sea will never be the same again. . . . Sue Hendra's hilarious tex…
Trumble adalah penjara federal berpenjagaan minimum, sebuah "kamp", tempat tinggal berbagai penjahat yang relatif tidak berbahaya para pengedar obat bius, perampok bank, penipu, penyelundup, penggelap pajak, dua bajingan Wall Street, satu dokter, setidaknya lima pengacara. Dan tiga mantan hakim yang menamakan diri Majelis: satu dari Texas, satu dari California, dan satu dari Mississippi. Set…
Di sebuah pagi yang murung, Nadira Suwandi menemukan ibunya tewas bunuh diri di lantai rumahnya. Kematian sang ibu, Kemala Yunus - yang dikenal sangat ekspresif, berpikiran bebas, dan selalu bertarung mencari diri - sungguh mengejutkan. Tewasnya Kemala kemudian mempengaruhi kehidupan Nadira sebagai seorang anak ("Melukis Langit"); seorang wartawan ("Tasbih"); seorang kekasih ("Ciuman Terpanj…
Cerita Cinta Enrico adalah kisah nyata seorang anak yang lahir bersamaan dengan Pemberontakaan PRRI. Ia menjadi bayi gerilya sejak usia satu hari. Kerabatnya tak lepas dari peristiwa '65. Ia menjadi aktivis di ITB pada era Orde Baru, sebelum gerakan mahasiswa dipatahkan. Merasa dikebiri rezim, ia merindukan tumbangnya Soeharto. Akhirnya ia melihat peristiwa itu bersamaan dengan ia melihat perem…
For One More Day adalah kisah tentang seorang ibu dan anak laki-lakinya, kasih sayang abadi seorang ibu, dan pertanyaan berikut ini: Apa yang akan kaulakukan seandainya kau diberi satu hari lagi bersama orang yang kausayangi, yang telah tiada? Ketika masih kecil, Charley Benetto diminta untuk memilih oleh ayahnya, hendak menjadi “anak mama atau anak papa, tapi tidak bisa dua-duanya.” Mak…
Maybe it was a grandparent, or a teacher or a colleague. Someone older, patient and wise, who understood you when you were young and searching, and gave you sound advice to help you make your way through it. For Mitch Albom, that person was Morrie Schwartz, his college professor from nearly twenty years ago. Maybe, like Mitch, you lost track of this mentor as you made your way, and the insig…
Synopsis: Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and his fat, spoilt cousin Dudley, and lives a very unremarkable life with only the odd hiccup (like his hair growing back overnight!) to cause him m…