Summary:A new series of illustrated books specifically designed for children in elementary education, narrating the stories of those great historical figures who have left their mark on humanity in fields such as science, art, exploration, music and other subjects. Young readers will be able to read all about these famous people's main achievements, experiencing the main steps of their lives th…
Summary:The sequel to the lockdown-hit 'The Year we Muddled Through', which was published just days before first-time-mum Lauren Fennemore gave birth to her miracle-baby daughter (and sold over 20,000 copies) is HERE!
Summary:Just after her twelfth birthday, Zoe Richards, daughter of a police officer and a social activist, learns that her family tree holds an inheritance even more exciting
Summary:As part of a school project, twelve-year-old superhero trainee Zoe gets to intern with Electra Allbright, the author of her favorite comic book series, and still manages to fit in some rescues and foil a counterfeit ring
Buku yang menemani perkembangan anak Anda.
Ami mulai pandai berbicara. Ami suka menirukan ucapan dan perbuatan orang lain. Kali ini Ami akan menirukan apa, ya?
Ami mulai pandai berbicara. Ami suka menirukan ucapan dan perbutan orang lain. Kali ini Ami akan menirukan apa ya?
Cherish your little ones with Cut Through Book - Little Baby Bear's Big Adventure featuring darling characters who view the world all around them with wonder. Perfect for rock-a-bye storytime or tuck-me-in time, this book will remind you just how amazing young minds are.
Where does the owl live? And the fox with her cub? Open up this book and our homes you will see!
Where does the hamster live? And what about the parakeet? Open up this book and our homes you will see!