Deskripsi: Bayangkan betapa repot dan ajaibnya hidup kita jika kita mempunyai kakek seorang penemu! Ceyda dan Beyza, sepasang anak kembar, memiliki kakek seorang penemu handal! Mereka berdua pun terlibat dalam berbagai petualangan ajaib berkat penemuan Kakek Ali yang canggih... tapi kadang merepotkan! Ikuti dua cerita petualangan dalam buku ini! Koki Cilik Saat sedang membuat kue untuk ulang t…
"Lima Sekawan adalah Julian, Dick, George, Anne, dan—tentu saja—Timmy! Ke mana pun mereka pergi pasti ada petualangan yang seru dan mengasyikkan! JO ANAK GELANDANGAN George dan Timmy hilang—apakah mereka diculik? Mengapa ada orang yang masuk ke Pondok Kirrin dan mengobrak-abrik ruang kerja Paman Quentin? Lima Sekawan yakin kedua hal itu berhubungan, tapi apa hubungannya? Dan bagaimana mer…
Summary: This volume contains two of Enid Blyton's stories featuring the character Amelia Jane - 'Naughty Amelia Jane!' and 'Amelia Jane Gets into Trouble!'
Summary:Wonder is the funny, sweet and incredibly moving story of Auggie Pullman. Auggie wants to be an ordinary ten-year-old, but he is far from ordinary. Born with a terrible facial deformity, this shy, bright ten-year-old has been home-schooled by his parents for his whole life, in an attempt to protect him from the stares and cruelty of the outside world. Now, for the first time, Auggie is …
Description Start reading these stories, and you'll wish you could live on a farm... Benjy, Penny, Rory and Sheila are staying with their aunt and uncle at Cherry Tree Farm. They feed the animals, explore the countryside and search for the mysterious man who lives in the woods - and you can be sure that they get into mischief along the way.
Summary:"When Mia reads about a Design-a-Dress contest in a magazine for "budding designers ages 12-16" she is excited. But she doesn't realize how much work designing--and sewing--a dress truly is until she starts on her contest entry. While Mia stresses out about all the work she has to do, she and Katie have an argument about, of all things, fashion preferences! Katie offers suggestions that…
Summary: Worrying about her fashion prospects when she learns that she has to get both braces and glasses, Mia receives help from her stylish mom and is reassured by her Cupcake Club friends that she is still the same old Mia
Summary:"Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was famous for her stylish collars (called jabots) and her commanding dissents. This opera-loving New Yorker has always spoken her mind; as a young lawyer, RBG advocated for gender equality and women's rights when few others did. She gained attention for the cases she won when arguing in front of the Supreme Court, before taking her place on the bench in 199…
Summary: Biography of a poor boy from New Orleans who became a jazz musician who is beloved around the world
Summary:"On October 29, 1929, life in the United States took a turn for the worst. The stock market the system that controls money in America plunged to a record low. But this event was only the beginning of many bad years to come. By the early 1930s, one out of three people was not working. People lost their jobs, their houses, or both and ended up in shantytowns called Hoovervilles named for …