Summary:Animals introduces readers to a dozen curious creatures using clearly defined shapes and high-contrast colors friendly to babies' developing eyes and minds
Summary:Infants can discover the garden with images in the opposing colours of black, white and red
Summary:Little Bird is having a very unusual day. Can you help him look for his song?
Summary:Little Elephant is having a very grouchy day. Somehow, he has lost something important to him! Can you help him find his bath? This sweet, beautifully illustrated story about discovering lost things in the most unlikely places will appeal to children of all ages. A beautiful new addition to the much-loved Little Creatures series
Summary:"A book of fun facts about animals of all sizes, shapes, and species!"-- Provided by publisher
Summary:A stray cat finds a happy home in a kindergarten classroom
Summary:Edgar's bad mood begins as something small, but before long it grows, gathers strength, and sweeps through the entire town
Summary:Rosa loves to imagine and she really loves to draw, but as her drawings grow and grow, will they get her into trouble? This fun story, told with playful text and inventive characters, will appeal to young children and its positive message and heart-warming final twist will resonate with children and parents alike
Beberapa kejadian berubah perlahan-lahan, seperti es yang mencair menjadi air. Kejadian lain bergerak dengan lebih cepat, seperti kilat menyambar di langit. Entah lambat, entah terasa lebih cepat, setiap perubahan memiliki titik balik. Ketika titik balik terjadi, maka bentuk baru yang berbeda pun lahir.
Si Pohon Kecil kehilangan sepasang sepatunya. Pagi siang malam, dia mencari sepatunya. Lalu besoknya, dia kembali mencari. Dan besoknya, dan besoknya lagi. Dia menjelajahi tiap sudut Hutan Raksasa, bertanya kepada hewan-hewan di sana. Siapakah yang mencuri sepatu kesayangannya?