My Early Learning Carring Case contain four books that will help toddlers identify and understand basic concepts in a fun way. Four adorable characters accompany them through the seasons as they learn about shapes, colors, oppasites, and numbers.
Summary:Upset that his busy parents ignore him, Roger wishes they would be blown away, but then he and his irritable sister must endure a fantastic journey in order to find them
Summary:CLASSIC FICTION (CHILDREN'S / TEENAGE). When Clare and Martin find a little puppy struggling in a pond, they excitedly take it home to see if their mother will let them keep it. When two robbers try to steal the family's car, the brave pup shows how amazing he really is. Also in this collection are the stories of the very little hen, the runaway toys and the little pink pig. Ages 7+
Summary:Adventure fiction. Jack, Peggy, Nora and Mike are four children who, in their first adventure together, run away from strict guardians after their parents are thought to have been killed in a place crash. The children make way for a secret island on their huge expanse of property, and together they make a new home constructed with the branches of a willow tree. The much-loved "living ho…
Summary:Third in the series. Two new girls have arrived at Malory Towers - and they couldn't be more different. Tomboy Bill spends more time with her horse than in the classroom, whilst American girl, Zerelda, seems determined not to fit in with the others
Summary:Four English children who go temporarily to live in the country with an aunt are so happy there they pursuade their parents to buy a farm
This is a story about children living on a farm, riding the donkeys, and helping with all the jobs that need doing around Willow Farm. Its simple storyline and animal interest should make it appealing to children. It is the second story in the series about Willow Farm.
Summary:A selection of short stories by Enid Blyton suitable for readers aged 5-8 years
utri duyung Umi Bergama bunya sedang berenang di dasar laut. Begitu banyak hal Indah yang dilihatnya: kuda laut, kerang, mutiara, ubur-ubur… Umi sangat terkesima sehingga dia tidak menyadari kalau ibunya sudah tidak berada di sampingnya. Di manakah ibunya Umi?
Fred, Lucy, the baby, and McDuff go to the lake for a Fourth of July picnic, but when ants consume all of their food it's up to McDuff to find something for them to eat.