About the Book A hopeful book about big emotions from the Waterstones Children’s Laureate, Joseph Coelho. Told through the voice of a little girl who is labelled as quiet and shy, No Longer Alone follows her tumult of emotions as she navigates the world around her. But when she finally shares her feelings and tells her Dad all the things that are worrying her, she no longer feels so alone. …
Summary: When a baby Duckbill dinosaur ends up in the Tyrannosaurus nest, he feels very out of place. And his gruesome new family with their great big jaws and bloodthirsty habits soon nickname him Drip. But this little dinosaur is not as weedy as he looks. In fact, he's a real hero
Summary:A hairy mammoth takes a cheeky little baby on a thrilling ride through a moonlit landscape
Setiap membuka halaman-halaman lipat raksasa di buku ini, anak akan menemukan traktor-traktor terbesar dan paling hebat yang pernah ada di dunia. Sambil mengamati gambar-gambar di buku ini, Anda juga dapat mengajak anak berdiskusi tentang pertanian, daerah penuh salju atau laut, hingga pembuatan jalan dan industri lainnya yang berkaitan.
Pembaca dapat menemukan truk-truk terbesar, tertinggi, dan terkuat di dunia, mulai dari truk-truk dump hingga truk derek yang tinggi dibahas dalam buku ini.
Pembaca dapat membuka halaman-halaman lipat raksasa di buku ini untuk menemukan kapal-kapal terpanjang dan terbesar yang pernah dibuat, dari kapal perang tangguh dan kapal pemecah es arktik hingga kapal tanker besar dan kapal pengangkut muatan.
Di dalam buku ini terdapat fakta menarik tentang hewan raksasa, seperti gajah, cumi-cumi raksasa, juga hewan-hewan tertinggi, terpanjang, dan terberat di dunia.
Summary:Introduces lesser-known facts about daily life in ancient Rome, such as what the Britons used to make their hair spiky and why rich Romans needed vomitoriums.
Summary:Take a whistle-stop tour through the alphabet from amazing aardvarks, big brown bears and crazy cats, via dancing ducks, invisible imps and naughty narwhals to yawning yaks and zooming zeppelins
Bella isn't like the other fairies - she only has tiny wings. And Bella can't fly.