Deskripsi Bilingual B. Indonesia - B. Inggris ; Zoe, a young and cheerful Indonesian-Australian girl, is ready to take you on a journey around Indonesia! We are going to see the beauty of nature, historical buildings, diverse cultures, religions, and of course try nique cuisines from all over Indonesia.
Baby Shark rindu pada neneknya. Karenanya, ia akan mengunjungi Grandma Shark dengan ditemani Bus Ikan. Namun, perjalanan mereka terhambat. Adakah yang bisa membantu?
Summary:See evolution in action w ith this chronological compendium. W ith beautiful illustrations by Katie Scott, you can discover the extraordinary story of life on Earth.
Summary:Edward Monkton's philosophical piglet aspires to elevate the spirit and become the "Pig of Happiness". His happiness is so big it seeps from inside him to all the other pigs and then to all the other animals in the barnyard
Deskripsi: Mengapa kita harus shalat? Manfaat shalat apa saja, ya? Bagaimana, sih, cara shalat itu? Why do we have to pray? What are the benefits of shalat? How do we shalat? Aku jadi tahu semua, tentang shalat ... Now I know all abaout shalat ...
Mari persiapkan dirimu untuk melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari bersama Goose! Hari ini, Goose melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari bersama dengan Sophie. Mulai dari bangun tidur, sarapan, mandi, menggosok gigi, ganti baju, menyisir rambut, hingga memakai sepatu. Ternyata banyak aktivitas yang dilakukan sebelum mereka keluar rumah. Kira-kira ada lagi tidak aktivitas lain yang dilakukan Goose dan Sophie?
Yuk temukan keistimewaan kelinci dalam buku ini !
Summary: Ease little one's nervousness about going to the doctor with this rhythmic story that tells them exactly what to expect and shows there's nothing to be afraid of. A growth chart is included to help kids track how tall they've grown!
Kali ini, Kina main ke rumah Tante Sanny, teman Mama yang seorang perancang busana. Kina senang! Pasti di sana ada banyak hal menarik! Benar saja, di rumah Tante Sanny ada baju-baju hasil rancanagan yang cantik, Leah si kambing rakus, dan tiga ekor kuda gagah: Blanco, Soso, dan Jojo. Meski begitu, Kina sempat sedih juga. Kira-kira kenapa, ya?
Summary:Lola says, "I do not eat peas or carrots or potatoes or mushrooms or spaghetti or eggs or sausages. I do not eat cabbage or baked beans or bananas or cauliflower or oranges. And I absolutely will not ever never eat a tomato."