Summary:Profiles the animator, filmmaker, and entertainer, detailing his early life, his beginnings in animated films, the creation of the Disney studios, and the opening of the Disneyland theme park.
Summary:Junie B. Jones wishes that May would stop being such a tattletale, but when she is stuck as May's Secret Santa it becomes real trouble.
Humphrey si Mengerikan sama sekali tidak mengerikan. Sebagai anak dari pasangan hantu berkaki buntung, Kilt Melayang, dan Hag yang berbau busuk, Humphrey tidak bisa dibandingkan dengan kedua kakaknya: George, Tengkorak Menjerit, yang bisa menyerukan jeritan menakutkan; ataupun Winifred Meratap yang selalu melayang-layang dengan gaun penuh bercak darah.Petualangan dimulai ketika Humphrey sekelua…
"Aku akan membeli kastilmu," kata Hiram C. Hopgood."Tapi hanya kalau kastil ini tidak berhantu!"Alex Macbuff kebingungan. Anak yatim-piatu itu tidak mampu membiayai perawatan kastil warisan keluarganya yang kelewat mahal dan kebetulan ada jutawan Amerika yang memberi penawaran yang sangat menarik.Tapi Kastil Carra penuh hantu sejak beratus-ratus tahun lalu. Ada Krok si pejuang Viking, Miss Spin…
Summary: This children's book is full of hundreds of surprising questions and fascinating answers which can provide teasing quiz questions, settle arguments and assist with school projects.
Children will delight in this enchanting tale about a little boy and the amazing adventure he has with his magic rocking horse!
Summary:Get kids talking about feelings, and discover practical ways to deal with them. Why can't I be happy all the time? What can I do when I feel like exploding? Is it ok to give up? This book is packed full of tips, tools and everyday situations to help kids think about and answer these BIG questions for themselves
Summary:We are led on the journey of a lifetime to the city of Mecca - the pilgrimage known to Muslims as the Hajj. The pilgrims walk with heads bare and feet in sandals; they call to Allah; they kiss or point to the Black Stone, as the Prophet did. Arriving at Mecca, they surge round the Ka'aba, shave their heads and travel to Mount Arafat. Finally, though their bodies are tired and aching, th…
Buku ini menghadirkan konsep baru berupa tanya jawab. Anak akan menjawab pertanyaan saat mendengarkan suara yang keluar dari soundbook tersebut. Seperti, “Bagaimana ya burung bisa terbang?” Ini bertujuan untuk melatih anak berpikir kritis dan memanggil kembali memori dari pengalaman yang mereka miliki. Buku ini berkolaborasi dengan Fitrah Based Education dan Fitrah World Movement yang menga…
Summary:In this retelling of the Andersen tale, which also introduces the numbers one to ten and basic addition and subtraction, a queen uses nine golden peas to tell whether each of the girls her three sons hope to marry is a true princess