Summary:An abridged version of Kenneth Grahame's classic tale of the escapades of four animal friends who live along a river in the English countryside--Toad, Mole, Rat, and Badger.
Summary:"Mr. Lemoncello has invited teams from all across America to compete in the first ever LIBRARY OLYMPICS ... but someone is trying to censor what the kids are reading"
Summary:An illustrated children's biography of George Washington which emphasizes how he used his virtues and high standards of conduct to establish a new nation.
Summary:A biography of Lincoln whose success story became the symbol of the American dream--the backwoods boy who by honesty, dignity, and kindness won the highest office in the country.
Summary: Eight stories about ghosts and phantoms found haunting campers.
Summary:The White Phantom: "Is he the most gruesome dog that ever lived, or a ghost protecting the sacred burial grounds? People in the area have only heard his howling, and know the legends. But now his paw prints are on the ridge just above Andy's house, and a strange girl says she's seen him. Don't go above the ridge, folks tell Andy, but he must ..."
Summary:When Olivia and Ivy tell their classmates and parents that they are identical twins, the word spreads to the vampire officials and Olivia must prove that she is worthy of keeping Ivy's true identity a secret
Summary:A selection of six of the finest of the Sherlock Holmes mystery stories
Ini dongeng untuk orang dewasa. Alkisah, di padang-padang rumput Inggris yang tenang, lama berselang, ada sebuah desa kecil yang selama 600 tahun berdiri di atas tonjolan batu granit. Di sebelah timur desa itu ada tembok batu yang tinggi. Itu sebabnya desa itu dinamai desa Tembok. Di desa itu, pemuda Tristran Thorn jatuh cinta pada si cantik Victoria Forester. Dan di sini pula, pada suatu senja…
When Sarah strumbles through the door at the end of the greenhouse she finds herself in the desert world hutannya. Here, she begins to awaken to her past-as the sorceress, Sareka. With Will, a child of the old magic, she journeys across the wasteland to confront the evil Sarin, whose wraiths are draining all the water from the land. In her quest to free the waters, Sarah must also unravel the …