Ayo, kenalkan balita Anda dengan berbagai jenis bentuk! Buku interaktif ini akan menjadi teman yang asyik untuk belajar dan mengenal berbagai bentuk di sekitarnya..
Summary:Featured artists are introduced chronologically, accompanied by a timeline to offer helpful historical context. Each artist's entry includes a concise biography, beautiful reproductions of major works, and lively texts. Games, quizzes and other activities help readers learn about the significant contributions of each artist in a way that is both fun and inspiring
Most bears have a sweet tooth, but this one has a heart for honey. When two tiny thieves steal his honey pot, he goes where no bear has ever gone before: to the bottom of the deep blue sea.
Summary:Invites readers to interact with a busy construction site by pulling, pushing, and sliding different tabs
Summary: Get ready for another Art Attack and give art a try with this fun and colourful activity book. Whether it's cunning codes or papier-mache models, just follow the step-by-step instructions and you can't go wrong. Turn everyday items around your home into art attacks. You don't need to be a great artist to be great at art
Summary: "This delightful pop-up book guides children gently through the reproduction process, answering all those awkward questions along the way" Notes: Pop-up book
Summary:When I feel afraid, I want to curl up and stay very still and very, very quiet, like a little lost rabbit
Summary: Text and illustrations offer a detailed look at human anatomy and physiology, with Internet links for further information
Ringkasan : Menyajikan petualangan yang sederhana, tidak hanya memberikan ilustrasi saja, namun menyajikan sebuah bentuk kerajinan tangan (teknik patchwork) menjadi sebuah rangkaian cerita yang manis dan indah. Anak-anak akan dibawa menikmati perpaduan warna dan bentuk objek dalam isinya yang sangat ceria dan cute. Sangat menarik untuk anak-anak sesuai segmen usia yang ditujunya. Belajar jadi s…